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Baghira BP carb issues ...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:15 pm
by dave
Hello all,

I've got a carb problem on a baghira thats been standing around unused for 6 months.

I've searched the forum and it looks like its a common problem, so I've had the carbs off for a look.

Theyre a damn tight fit to get off with the motor still in. Figured out I need to pull the rubber inlets into the air box and then just wiggle!!

So, I've had everything apart and blasted through with carb cleaner, took out every brass bit I could see and cleaned it through...





You can see lots of 'gum' in the float bowl....


So can I ask, where is the pilot Jet in the pictures above???
Seems impossible to find a diagram of these carbs anywhere!!!



Re: Baghira BP carb issues ...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:39 pm
by Anders
Look for a Yamaha SZR workshop manual as it covers the important bits such as engine and carb (can be found on the web for free)

Dont forget to clean the tiny mesh sitting in the carb housing above the float valve... it is not covered inte workshop manual....

Re: Baghira BP carb issues ...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:23 pm
by dave
Thanks for that.

I stripped the carb and cleaned and blasted it through with carb cleaner and its now back together and running sweet. But...

...I have one pipe which I dont know where to connect.

its a breather pipe, so nothing serious, and comes off a T connection from another pipe towards the back of the right hand side carb...

In the picture its below and to the left of the carb. you can see the end of it...


...any ideas??


Re: Baghira BP carb issues ...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 4:28 pm
Here's the vent schematic.

Re: Baghira BP carb issues ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 6:06 pm
by Nesim
Hey guys,
I need help for adjusting my air-fuel mix. Last week I opened my card totally. Cleaned all parts with help of a toothbrush, I used fuel in the tank for cleaning.
I'm not sure if its cleaned or not but i closed the card, by putting all parts where they belong.

But after running my motor, I see black smoke coming from the exhaust. It doesn't stop, and it gets worse when i push the throttle. I have the parts list for the carburetor, but i am not sure about the screw that i need to tighten or loose.
Can you help me? How can I adjust the fuel-air mixture screw? Which screw is it? And do I have to adjust another screw for the second carburetor?

Also, when I first open carburetor, the first diaphragm was bent from one side. I put it inside with its original shape, but do i need to buy a new one? Does this make a power loss for carburetor? ALso the second diaphragm took my 15minutes, i couldn't put it again in its place. It was smaller than the place of it. What do you suggest?

This is my first time of adjusting a carburetor but i'm not a rookie :)

Thank you.

Re: Baghira BP carb issues ...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:09 pm
by basser23
I make the assumption we are talking about the BP stock carbs correct? They are Teikei and there is only 1 cv carb which is on the right side of the bike,and has no
float bowl.
On the left carb,there is a float bowl,and just to the front on the bottom(near the intake head manifold)of it is a part of the carb body that has the idle adjustment
screw in it. It is recessed.
To adjust,turn clockwise to seat,and then counter clockwise to open. Factory setting is about 2.5 turns open...some folks run up to 5 or so turns.
Are you sure the choke(enrichiner) is not on?
I dont understand the diaphram issue ,as there is only 1 on the top of the right side carb.
Hope this helps you..look at the pictures of the carb in this thread and you'll see the idle screw opening ..

Re: Baghira BP carb issues ...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:24 pm
by Anders
There is also a small diaphragm in the enrichment circuit on the non CV carb, i.e. the proper one with a float bowl.

Re: Baghira BP carb issues ...

PostPosted: Wed Nov 03, 2010 3:56 pm
by basser23
Dave, on the picture where the vent tube is hanging loose...I'll bet it' goes to the vent on the left carb that is located between the carbs under the
bracket that holds the carbs together.
take a look...

Re: Baghira BP carb issues ...

PostPosted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:29 am
by Nesim
Thanks to both of you for your replies.
basser23 wrote:I make the assumption we are talking about the BP stock carbs correct? They are Teikei and there is only 1 cv carb which is on the right side of the bike,and has no
float bowl.
On the left carb,there is a float bowl,and just to the front on the bottom(near the intake head manifold)of it is a part of the carb body that has the idle adjustment
screw in it. It is recessed.
To adjust,turn clockwise to seat,and then counter clockwise to open. Factory setting is about 2.5 turns open...some folks run up to 5 or so turns.
Are you sure the choke(enrichiner) is not on?
I dont understand the diaphram issue ,as there is only 1 on the top of the right side carb.
Yup, I have a 2002 Baghira BP, that has a stock carburetor which is the same on Dave's pictures above.
I found the adjusting screw as you've told. Yesterday made an adjustment with no success. Today will try it more. But i need to learn what a turn is. Is it a 360degree turn, or just a 180degree turn. Or as you said, turn number does no matter at all. Is it just the good working level sound that coming from engine which tells me the right level? You agree with this?

I have some other problems here. As I have bought this bike new, it has some weird situated pars inside.

I cannot adjust or move (tighten or loose) fuel vent screw, which is part number 21 on this page. It has got stripped (I'm not sure if thats the right word). Will it create a problem in future? Do I really need a new screw there?

Part number 40, again on that page, which is main jet. Is there an adjustment for it, or do I just put it in tightly?

In short I wonder that, is there any other screw that i need to adjust other than pilot screw set (part number 40) like jet pilot, main jet and those above?

As Anders wrote, there is a small diaphragm on the first carb. I think i need a repair set for it. I see dust on it, and that was the part which was bent when i first open the carb.

One more question about part number 57, which is pipe on the right side of second carburetor. I think the carb gets air from it. When i close the pipe, motor stops running.
So, as the pipe is very old (9years old), is it a good idea to get an air filter like this:
If I do something similar, and go in rain, will it harm the filter? Is there any thats water resistant. It may be silly but I need to learn :)

Thanks a bunch again.

Edit: This topic answers my turn level I guess.