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Engine ping around 4k RPM (Skorpion Traveler 660)
Sun Jun 26, 2011 9:01 pm
by edfmaniac
I'm getting a pinging sound coming from the engine on my Skorpion 660 around 4,000 RPM's. It comes more often than not when I'm cruising and slowly transitioning through that RPM range. It doesn't do it when I'm accelerating hard. Could it be a mixture problem since it doesn't do it when the throttle is further open or maybe a valve out of adjustment?
Re: Engine ping around 4k RPM (Skorpion Traveler 660)
Wed Jun 29, 2011 5:44 pm
by basser23
Run some Seafoam in the gas,about 2oz per gal. Run a full tank through....maybe just dirt.try that before pulling the carbs for a clean...
Re: Engine ping around 4k RPM (Skorpion Traveler 660)
Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:02 pm
by edfmaniac
Re: Engine ping around 4k RPM (Skorpion Traveler 660)
Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:52 pm
i use a non o ring chain on my Traveler 660 the rubber inserts make the chain to stiff
i don't put enough miles on a chain in a year to need a o ring one
a regular chain with a frequent lube makes the bike run smoother
and adjust the slack often that helps but do not get it tooo tight
Re: Engine ping around 4k RPM (Skorpion Traveler 660)
Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:11 pm
by edfmaniac
I'm on it. There is an o-ring chain on the bike right now and I noticed how stiff the links were when I was swapping gears. Even a new o-ring chain can rob some horsepower so I'm changing over as soon as I can afford it.
Re: Engine ping around 4k RPM (Skorpion Traveler 660)
Sat Jul 02, 2011 4:15 pm
its about 28 usd here and an o ring one is at least 2x that
and i put my bike up on a work lift and check it every 30 riding days i save
the old chain and use it to take the new one off the bike
i clean it and put it in a hot grease tank and soak it under air pressure