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clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:10 pm
by Srinath
If I try to start it, and it doesn't start, it makes a metallic clunk noise, almost like a starter clutch going bad, except all the starter clutches I know when they go make it as the thing is turning over, not when it is about to stop turning over. Is this a normal thing on this bike, big singles make the weirdest noises IMHO. My savage was no exception, and this one is even more complicated. Thanks for all the help.

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:23 am
by Srinath
Clunking noise still on startup. I seem to still have this problem. The bike once started runs like a champ. Does this not happen on anyone else's bike ?
Thanks guys.

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 10:31 am
by edfmaniac
I can't say that I hear anything like a clunk on mine and without a recording of some kind it would be hard to say if anything is wrong with yours or not. You may have really good hearing and are just over analyzing or it could be something terribly wrong and you are lucky it hasn't blown up yet. :|

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:31 pm
by Skorpion
Hi Srinath

Could the clunking be due to the battery not having a full charge, and failing to turn over the motor fast enough.

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 5:02 pm
by harold
I had a Raptor, and the starter one-way may be different on our motors like some other bottom end parts. But Raptors had so many go bad that there are a few companies making after-market, better designed parts. I hadn't noticed any posts on this forum about this problem with our motors, until yours.

My Baghira makes some really bad clunks when it is trying to start, and only fires once or backfires. At times it seems like the backfire tries to run the motor backwards, and comes to a sudden stop. Hasn't broken anything, yet.

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:33 pm
Srinath wrote:If I try to start it, and it doesn't start, it makes a metallic clunk noise, almost like a starter clutch going bad, except all the starter clutches I know when they go make it as the thing is turning over, not when it is about to stop turning over. Is this a normal thing on this bike, big singles make the weirdest noises IMHO. My savage was no exception, and this one is even more complicated. Thanks for all the help.

Just a thought since no one has mentioned it...
Having learned from old triumph twins...
Every time I go to start a big single I put it in gear, pull in the clutch and rock the bike back and forth to make sure the clutch isn't sticking (even if it's the next day), just because I don't want anything to work the starter out side of what it was designed to do.
Since it's your ears I'd just be making this suggestion as you might hear a difference and possibly eliminate some basics.
That said, Skorpion has a point thinking about the battery and its turning over the engine (or not)...

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:06 pm
by Srinath
Good brand new battery, OK I will check these things out. The oil could stand a change as well.
The thing has done that clunk for 3-400 miles ,I could actually see it as a likely starter clutch going bad though. Anyway I have another problem though now, I will post a new one about it though.

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:17 pm
In another thread, counter balance shaft/gear issues...
Having heard this one too many times. I'm intending to a switch to a solid gear as Bill Jurgenson advises and has been mentioned on so many different threads.
My Baghira's 5K engine doesn't need to experiance that kind of damage.
I maybe old but it's too close to showroom too allow less consideration.
Just a thought...

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:36 pm
counter balance shaft/gear issues...

my 97 660 traveller is parked for this reason
i have not found any yamaha dealer that can find the part
from the numbers bill listed
and i have not had time to take the thing apart to fix it
and it becomes a parts bike if it lets go

i know they should be able to find the part...


Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 1:15 am

I looked around some and found this...


Seized 660cc motor: what happeened ?
(page 3)
balancer_damage.jpg (18.01 KiB) Viewed 8237 times



The Raptor might have a solid gear like the gear in this thread.

Thank you Bill...

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:01 am
by Bill Jurgenson
Raptor 700 has a solid gear. That is the gear in the photo.
I prefer the Raptor gear myself.
the parts numbers I posted are Yamaha parts numbers; here again:

balancer gear Raptor 1S3-11536-00
Balancer gear XT660R 5VK-E1536-00
The XT660R is not marketed in the US, so parts for that could be a problem.
any idiot can see that the code for that part as such, (i.e. the gear driving the balancer shaft) is 1536, prefixes are model idents.

If the so-called dealer can't get a part for a quad sold in the US, he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground and does not deserve even the time of day, let alone business. Shun.
screenshots from the US online parts catalogue page for the Raptor 700 crankshaft:
Screen shot 2012-03-22 at 8.22.37 AM.jpg

number 15 in the shot
Screen shot 2012-03-22 at 8.22.53 AM.jpg
Screen shot 2012-03-22 at 8.22.53 AM.jpg (8.08 KiB) Viewed 8228 times

ANYBODY can find the requisite parts number online:
almost all parts of the
are identical to the XTZ. Only the crankshaft and generator/flywheel and carbs are different.

BTW, the clunk noise is almost certianly the balancer bear and woodruff key in the crank.

besides the gear, you need to order the lockwasher and key. These are standard parts that fit almost all Yamaha singles starting with the xt600 thru all the various SRXs, XTZs, Grizzlies, Raptors
Screen shot 2012-03-22 at 8.46.40 AM.jpg

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:25 am
by droy
Great detail as usual

Great detail as usual Bill - Thanks!

Doug in NJ

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:01 am
does the new part have timing marks
and are they where they should be
or need special attention for proper alignment

just want to be sure i get it right the first time

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:30 am
by spadesup420
Bill Jurgenson wrote:ANYBODY can find the requisite parts number online:
almost all parts of the
are identical to the XTZ. Only the crankshaft and generator/flywheel and carbs are different.

Screen shot 2012-03-22 at 8.46.40 AM.jpg

what about the crankcase itself? will the 2002 raptor case work?

Re: clunk noise @ start up

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 5:42 pm
found 1 dealer in all the usa that had the part
in stock ny Hudson valley

local shop ordered key and lock washer
so now i know what i an doing over Easter break

parts guy said he would let me know
when he had more in stock
