baghira enduro pics please

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baghira enduro pics please

Postby handsomejackuk » Tue Sep 11, 2012 3:55 pm

does anyone one here have the baghira enduor version would like to submit some pics and give me some advice about front wheel fitment...???

does the front wheel caliper bolt straight to the fork leg without the alloy adaptor plate and can someone post some close up pics of the fornt wheel

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Re: baghira enduro pics please

Postby rodge70 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:20 am

hi al,enduro front disc is different to the supermoto disc and there is no caliper location bracket,it bolts straight to fork leg as disc is a lot smaller dia,hubs are identical and a rubber damper is fitted between disc and spokes,you can just make out a black ring on top pic,though mine fell apart after about a year or so :shock:

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Re: baghira enduro pics please

Postby handsomejackuk » Wed Sep 12, 2012 4:28 am


thanks on that... so the brake disk is non floating i assume the caliper bracket is the same as the supermoto ? i have a spare R1 disk now but just need to source a wheel i is going to go to my local moto x breakers and see what i can find next week... should be cooking on gas then.... just the rear to sort then...

Rodge, how come on the first pic you have a supermoto wheel and the non floating disk... was yours originaly a enduro and you used the same disk ?

Thanks again
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Re: baghira enduro pics please

Postby rodge70 » Wed Sep 12, 2012 7:12 am

well spotted that man,i wanted a supermoto but the last new mz i could find was an enduro at grahams and so a deal was done to have a set of sm wheels sent over from germany which they included in the price and fitted tyres as well,so i was not to fussed about having to change discs over when swapping wheels though the long term plan was to get a second set of ebc discs as the original disc bolts on the back are a bit weedy/soft and have had to replace them with standard m6 bolts with the head shaved down to clear caliper but at least they undo easy :D
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Re: baghira enduro pics please

Postby handsomejackuk » Wed Sep 12, 2012 8:18 am

get a set of R1 disks... they are much stronger with the 10 bobbins only prob is you need the caliper spacer bracket...

i have to pop down and see you sometime... do you ever venture across the bridge ???

be good to meet up... how about hog the bridge theres always loads of bikes there i go every year i taek the supermoto this year if you goes...
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