Skorpion takes in water into the tank.
Fri Oct 12, 2012 9:00 am
by Srinath
I am really getting to my wits end on this.
The tank and the carbs are taking in water, and oddly its happening when it does not rain.
So has anyone had this happen and what did they do to fix it.
Thanks guys.
Re: Skorpion takes in water into the tank.
Fri Oct 12, 2012 10:53 am
find a station that sells fuel with no ethanol in it..
and try a light colored cover over the tank when its not in use
day time heating and night cooling of the plastic tank can make lots of water in a humid climate
and the ethanol sucks it up....
Re: Skorpion takes in water into the tank.
Fri Oct 12, 2012 12:23 pm
by Srinath
OK not something like iso heet ? I dont know of who sells fuel without ethanol round here - prolly none.
Now its just heating and cooling ? what if I keep it near full ?
Re: Skorpion takes in water into the tank.
Fri Oct 12, 2012 4:13 pm
ask around some one sells it
the ethanol makes the seals go bad in old mowers tractors and farm engines
there are 2 stations in my town i know of ..that sell it
and it made a world of difference in my rt 125 and how it runs
Re: Skorpion takes in water into the tank.h2o
Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:32 pm
by bobbob
after way to much thinkin i figured any standing water in the collector could spill into tank when i take it off the side stand . even if the drain is unobstructed. do you use the sidestand. if so try bringing the bike to vertical SLOWLY [if its ben raining] and see if it helps Seems like it fixed mine , but I may be all wet.,