Experiance with tires

So, lets talk about tires for the Skorpion.
What have you used, are useing, sizes and liked and dis-liked.....
AND GO!!!!
My Traveller CAME to me with a Road Pilot on the front in a 110/70/17 and on the rear it had a Battelaxe BT045(YUP Radial on the front and Bias on the rear)in a 150/70/17. It rode well enough. When pushed HARD the front was fairly solid and predictable, the rear would chatter on small imperfections but was still not bad, grippy and predictable. Smooth and strange at the same time. The front liked a split second to set in and the rear did not. Thats what I mean by strange.
I JUST installed Shinko 009 Raven radials, in a 120/70/17 front and 160/60/17 rear. These are suposed to give a long life, of around 7 to 10k miles, and pretty good traction, responce and warm up quickly, even on a light bike like the Skorps. BTW, I goofed and ordered the front in a 70 aspect ratio....Oopps. I was going for the Replica sizes and THOUGHT I read 70 for the front when it is ACTUALLY in a 60 aspect ratio. Imeadiatly I noticed a difference(duh....old worn to NEW and round) But the turn in, I thought would slow abit because of the size increase, as it has on other bikes I've owned, and SHOULD feel heavier..... It does not. The Traveller just tips in so much more effertlesly than the previouse set, even when fairly new, as when I picked up the Skorp and hit the Dragons Tail. The MZ DOES NOT need a tire this big, a 110 front and 140 rear should be MORE than enough, BUT it seems to work well and as for asthetics,....... OFF the hook. (the 150/70 just looked wrong, tall and the side wall was nearly straight off the rim) On the Svelt 'lil Traveller, the tires look like Pro GP sizes. I scuffed the 009s in and they really work nicely. I have not yet gone 8/10s or harder on them.... YET, after all it's still a bit slippery here In the mountains of Utah in the USA........ Having radials front and rear does make a big difference in the total output of the Skorps ride, that is for sure.
So, lets here what you have,.... had and maybe be planning on.......!
What have you used, are useing, sizes and liked and dis-liked.....
AND GO!!!!
My Traveller CAME to me with a Road Pilot on the front in a 110/70/17 and on the rear it had a Battelaxe BT045(YUP Radial on the front and Bias on the rear)in a 150/70/17. It rode well enough. When pushed HARD the front was fairly solid and predictable, the rear would chatter on small imperfections but was still not bad, grippy and predictable. Smooth and strange at the same time. The front liked a split second to set in and the rear did not. Thats what I mean by strange.
I JUST installed Shinko 009 Raven radials, in a 120/70/17 front and 160/60/17 rear. These are suposed to give a long life, of around 7 to 10k miles, and pretty good traction, responce and warm up quickly, even on a light bike like the Skorps. BTW, I goofed and ordered the front in a 70 aspect ratio....Oopps. I was going for the Replica sizes and THOUGHT I read 70 for the front when it is ACTUALLY in a 60 aspect ratio. Imeadiatly I noticed a difference(duh....old worn to NEW and round) But the turn in, I thought would slow abit because of the size increase, as it has on other bikes I've owned, and SHOULD feel heavier..... It does not. The Traveller just tips in so much more effertlesly than the previouse set, even when fairly new, as when I picked up the Skorp and hit the Dragons Tail. The MZ DOES NOT need a tire this big, a 110 front and 140 rear should be MORE than enough, BUT it seems to work well and as for asthetics,....... OFF the hook. (the 150/70 just looked wrong, tall and the side wall was nearly straight off the rim) On the Svelt 'lil Traveller, the tires look like Pro GP sizes. I scuffed the 009s in and they really work nicely. I have not yet gone 8/10s or harder on them.... YET, after all it's still a bit slippery here In the mountains of Utah in the USA........ Having radials front and rear does make a big difference in the total output of the Skorps ride, that is for sure.
So, lets here what you have,.... had and maybe be planning on.......!