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Front brake gone bad On Baggie

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 12:27 pm
by harold
My 2001 Baggie only has around 3,500 miles on it, and the front brake has started getting mushy and letting the level come to the handle bar. It has been sitting a few months, and today it was much worse than before, to the extent it wasn't doing hardly anything until pumped a few times, and then it was just real weak. One of the last times I rode it, I did a quick bleed by pumping it up and opening the caliper nipple. I expected to see some air, but none was apparent. It didn't change.

So today I took off the Master Cylinder lid, and fluid was up to the top. It was a little brown, but you can still see through it good. When I squeeze the lever though, it shoots a squirt up through the bottom hole that is closest to the center. Opening the bleeder nipple lets fluid drip out, but when squeezing the lever it only shoots out in a weak stream, and I expected it to give strong squirt.
I am pretty sure it is the master cylinder that will need to be disassembled and cleaned, but has anyone else had this problem?

Re: Front brake gone bad On Baggie

PostPosted: Sun Apr 21, 2013 5:47 pm
sounds like it all needs a good flush and new fluid.
but get a grip on your billfold if you need to replace any of it

Re: Front brake gone bad On Baggie

PostPosted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:25 pm
by amahoser
The fluid shooting up with the cover off is normal. Sounds like you just need a good brake bleed. To do it yourself, a vacuum pump like a Mity Vac makes it easy.

Jose Soriano

Re: Front brake gone bad On Baggie

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 5:28 am
by harold
Thanks for the replies. I am not sure that bleeding is going to help, as I have never seen any air come out so far. It is just like the master cylinder has suddenly only half of its power or volume of fluid moving. The fresh fluid flush I did made no difference. I will try again.

Re: Front brake gone bad On Baggie

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 10:42 am
it needs a serious clean up new type brake fluid loves to suck up water
and be careful it eats plastic

Re: Front brake gone bad On Baggie

PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2013 3:39 pm
by duncmac
And it eats paint, dont get it anywhere near the body work, put rags everywhere. Even if you're being super carefull