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Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Sat Jul 13, 2013 5:48 am
by Pawcio
First of all welcome
My name is Pawel, i am Polish but i live in beautiful island called Malta
2 months ago I bought a perfectly sustained 2003 Mastiff. I fell in love from the first sight and when I test dove it I knew i want it.
Like 2-3 weeks ago I noticed I lost turn signals. I found fuse box, blown fuse replaced with a new one. Everything was ok for 2 weeks. Now it is not. Every time I switch left turns it blows the fuse. Right can blink for eternity. I started inspecting the electic system. First i went thru wiring. I was a bit surprised that cables running to turn signals all 4 were cut, twisted and isolated. But ok, i unisolated them, and reisolated with a new tape. Still the same. Right ok, left blows the fuse. Today I completly dissasembled the left combined switch, i took out the turns switch, and even disasembled it. Besides some dust everything in perfect condidtion. I even tried to switch the left turns with removed bulbs- no change.
Any ideas where and what can I do more before i decide to pass my bike to an electrician?
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Sat Jul 13, 2013 6:55 am
by basser23
I had exact same thing on my Skorpion....left turn signal would pop the what I found was the wires at the turn signal were shorted together at a junction inside the signal stalk.
If it blows without a bulb, that most likely is the cause. use an ohm meter without the bulb installed after disconnecting the signal wires to ensure the signal stalk is in good order.
The left side power wire is most likely shorted to ground
First, discoonect the left signal stalk(both wires), put the key to on, try the right tun signal,if ok, turn on the left signal and see if it blows...if it doesn't,its the left stalk, then reattach the turn signals
ground wire...still ok? then put on the signal wire...what happens?
Have you checked the relay?
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Sat Jul 13, 2013 7:40 am
by Pawcio
Hey, thx for reply. The relay must be ok since the right side works fine. Yesterday i tried without bulbs on the left side but with connected signal stalks. Today i disconnected both left stalks paying attention not to short the plugs. No change. Right side works, left blows the fuse.
I am starting to be really worried. I have no garage or necessary tools to disasemle a half of my bike and inspect all wires. Besides i become more and more suspicious as the wiring looks not factory. All signal wires were cut, twisted and isolated. The same with ignition lock wires. I found a wiring diagram for Mastiff and according to it wire connected to pin 49 of the relay should go directly to the fuse- in mine it doesnt. Moreover the turn signal fuse shuold be as first in the fuse box and in mine it is second.
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:20 am
by den
take the seat off and look at the loom running along the right side of the frame at the back just before the rear mudguard,, there is a section there where it ( the loom )just misses a seat rubber .look on the underside if your seat to see the rubber cushions to see where they may rest on the frame close to any wiring,,
just a thought
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:00 am
by basser23
Sorry to hear that,sounds a mess,and the only way to sort it is to examine in least it is only the left side...take an ohm meter and check for grounding of the power side,isolate as you go...
fuse box sounds all wrong too...what the f.... did someone do and why?
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Sun Jul 14, 2013 1:27 pm
by Pawcio
First Dan. So in my bike the rear wirning goes on the left side attached to the seat frame near the battery and two relays. Is it also messed up??? And nothing looks wrong there. Tomo i will post some pics.
Basser- I have no idea what was there done and why. I am quite lucky because the bike was bought in local showroom and untill 2012 it had only one owner who did every service and repairs there. The guy who sold me this bike claims he never touched wiring so tomorrow i am gonna call the dealership and get some service record of my Mastiff.
I have no more ideas what i can do more. I guess the best option is to get as many info as i can and pass the bike into an electrician hands.
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:11 pm
check the lamp sockets in close detail the little pins that connect the lamps
on my rt125 one of them came unsnapped from the plastic and shorted out against the bulb base
on the tail lamp
they clip or snap into there home position and it came unsnapped
as for messed up wiring my rt 125 at my first personal inspection had several problems
with its wire harness one major problem was wires routed in a manner that left them stretched
like a banjo string you could strum a tune on the turn signal wires they were so tight
so i went over the whole thing and rerouted some of them
or i would have had many more problems later
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:09 am
by Pawcio
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:36 am
by Pawcio
Pics added
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Thu Jul 18, 2013 10:00 am
by Pawcio
Problem solved, short circuting wire was found by my electician. Thanx for all effort u put to help me.
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:02 am
by den
Pawcio wrote:Problem solved, short circuiting wire was found by my electrician. Thanx for all effort u put to help me.
so now you can help us back and tell us where the short was for future reference
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Sat Jul 20, 2013 3:56 am
by Pawcio
I donkt know exactly where, the harness somewhere shorted with the frame.
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:42 pm
by Pawcio
Apparently the problem wasn't solved. On weekend again fuse was burnt. My electrician tested the bike for a half of a day and couldnt find the fault. Seems like it is not a constant problem. Once it happens again ill bring the bike to him and inspection will be continued...
Re: Help! Turn signal fuse blows!!!
Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:27 am
by Pawcio
Acid from the battery damaged an isolation, solved