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Skorpion Sport Cup Stuttering

PostPosted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 11:08 pm
by koler
Hi everyone,

I recently got a 97 Skorpion Sport Cup as my first bike and am loving it so far. Recently I ran into a problem with the bike stuttering pretty bad when given anything above 1/4 throttle or with the choke full open (even from a cold start at 65F ambient temps). To be more specific, once the bike revs up a bit (around 3k rpm) the rpms begin to get really jumpy and the exhaust puffs out black smoke. The black smoke leads me to believe that it is running too fuel rich, which brings to mind checking the air filter or adjusting the carb. I did just redo the brakes which required me to remove a slip on exhaust, but I don't think that removing and replacing a slip on would affect it and neither would flushing the brakes.

Any ideas? Also, I have never worked on motorcycles before so any tips on removing the tank and locating the air filter / carb would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Skorpion Sport Cup Stuttering

PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:06 am
air leak where you put the muffler back on ...
and clean out the fuel system

all 3 of my mz bikes hate the ethanol in the fuel
being in the usa you have not been served any real gasoline for several years

see if you can find gas in your area with no ethanol
we have 90 octane real gas served at a station that sells to race car owners and farmers
the old tractors hate the stuff

my rt125 loves real gas and so does my new lawn mower
my traveller is in storage waiting on me to find time to work on it

ALSO check all the spade lugs on your wiring at the coil and ignition box and make sure you plug in tight....
my coil wire from ignition box was falling off the wire spade was bad