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AVgas in fuel tank

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:58 am
by iktank
Managed to get a brand new tank six months ago (in red as needed and I gather was the last of them)) ma original tank had blistered because of ethanol in the fuel - as we are all learning about and suffering
From what I understand If the fuel is not left to stand ie the bike continually used ethanol is not an issue, problem is when bike is left in storage for example over winter (I'm turning into a fair weather rider in ma old age).

I have access to AVGAS 100LL which is ethanol free (aviation fuel which is low lead but has 4x lead content of leaded fuel and 100 octane) so I have drained ma tank down and put gallon of AVGAS in, if I need to take bike out will iether just dilute whats in the tank with ethanol fuel or drain down tank and refill with ethanol fuel

All seems a bit drastic huh but what else can be done ?

Re: AVgas in fuel tank

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 9:29 am
if your in the usa try this site for 90 octane fuel

i have 3 stations in my area that sell it to boaters and farmers
and there are lines on sat mornings as the lawn mower and tractor guys show up to full up
i run it in my rt125
you may in some areas find it at a boat dock

Re: AVgas in fuel tank

PostPosted: Mon Sep 09, 2013 1:39 pm
by iktank
Cheers David
Unfortunaley I live in Wales where it rains all the time and the petrol stations have no idea what they sell.
Ask them for details of the Ethanol content in their fuel and they look at you blankley, unlike america where the pumps display the ethanol content E0, E5 or E10 there is no requirment over here :(

Thanks again