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Mastiff.rear chain tension.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 5:56 pm
by welshdave2
Im having a problem adjusting the chain,properly,mz mastiff,2002,
When the bike is on the side stand,the chain sags,
pushing the bike ,upright,the suspension,goes down with the weight of the bike,1-2 inches,effecting the chain tension,
The label,with chain adjustment,on the swinging arm,has worn away,
Does anyone else have this problem,
how much ,slack should the bottom of the chain have,with all the weight ,on the side stand?
Thanks,for any ideas,

Re: Mastiff.rear chain tension.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 6:33 pm
by vicar
The correct method of measuring chain tension is when the bike has the rider seated on the bike. it is never done because it takes two people to do it . With the rider seated aim for 1 inch or 25 mm up and down movement this might seem tight but without the rider on the bike it will be slacker .Dont forget to find the tightest spot on the chain and adjust at that point. (when a chain wears it tends to have a tight spot ) Have fun and don't forget extended exposure to chain oil has proved to be carcinogenic in laboratory mice. what the hell the little rodents were doing messing about with bikes puzzles me. Vicar

Re: Mastiff.rear chain tension.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 21, 2014 11:27 pm
by edfmaniac
And once you figure out how to get the proper tension on your bike, remember that chains wear unevenly. You need to check the tension on used chains in as many places as possible. I try to check every 6 inches or so.