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single 38mm Mikuni round slide on Skorp motor?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 16, 2014 12:06 pm
by morgan9283
Mostly for ease of maintenance and parts availability I'd like to replace the stock carb in my '96 Skorpion.

My apologies if I this has been discussed and I missed it but is there any reason a single common carb, such as a 38mm Mikuni round slide won't work on the Skorp motor? I have a great machinist who can make me the flange. I had planned to drop the airbox and just run a K&N style filter again for simplicity of maintenance.

Assuming this isn't a terrible idea I'd love some input on jetting as well if anyone has some.

This bike is and always will be a street bike so usability/maintainability are priorities over power.

Any advice/comments/thoughts would be welcome,



Re: single 38mm Mikuni round slide on Skorp motor?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2014 6:07 am
by samandkimberly
Sure, why not? My Husaberg had a single 38mm carb and went like stink, faster than my MZ everywhere except at the very top of redline. You'll be able to get better jetting info if you use a Mikuni 42 HSR though, many people have used it.
