by duncmac » Tue Aug 11, 2015 9:30 am
Check the choke plunger is not jamming.
Theres other posts on here with more detail, but basically
unscrew the choke cable end from the carb.
At the end of the cable is a spring and the plunger
Clean out the orifice
Clean the plunger
lube with a tiny smidgen of silicon grease
replace and check that the idle speed changes as you move the choke through its three positions (fully off, one click on?, fully on)
Other than that its fuel air and spark.
Any blows on the exhaust
any leaks in the airbox>carb>engine rubbers.
Is the air filter fully covering the air intake (check at the bottom with gloved fingers)
Any loose wiring?
MZ Baghira 2002 - Silver
CBR 600 FY 2002 - Tri colour
Vespa T5 172 Malossi - Old English White