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Skorpion kick stand tab what ?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:20 pm
by hb7
Skorpion kick stand tab what ?
This is not a simple thing to repair, when you think about how much the weight/stress and the geometry.
Apparently they used cheese quality steel for the kickstand. The hole has elongated and the metal fractured.

Thinking I could stick weld and grind material.
or cut and weld a new tab...(more uncertainty and more fabrication work)

Submit all fix it once and for all.
I'm never letting go. They have to pry my MZ Skorpion from my cold dead hands....

New kickstand tab :

Re: Skorpion kick stand tab what ?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:14 pm
by tigcraft
Good job you've a centre stand!! Well I'd reshape that round the pin that went through it. Couple of tacks either end then massive V grind down the middle and weld the slot just created. For good measure I'd possibly also weld a washer on the back too with similar profile.

Re: Skorpion kick stand tab what ?

PostPosted: Fri Nov 27, 2015 5:48 pm
by hb7
that Kickstasnd bushing is hardened.....the metal tab is not.
no room for a washer on the back side.
washers are soft too....
maybe run a few beads on the front and grind them down for a tighter kickstand yoke fit