shrunken carb diaphram
Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:55 pm
by morgan9283
I took apart the (stock) carb for cleaning on my '96 Tour and upon re-assembly the diaphram doesn't quite fit in the groove. It's close but just not quite large enough. Does anyone have advice on either expanding it or alternatives to OEM replacement?
Re: shrunken carb diaphram
Tue Dec 06, 2016 10:21 pm
by edfmaniac
Soaking it in gas might make it expand a little like it does with float bowl gaskets, but I just used some Permatiex #2 form-a-gasket to help hold it in place when reassembling. If it doesn't immediately provide enough adhesive power to hold the diaphragm in place, just wait a few minutes for the liquid gasket to tack up a little more. Eventually it will have enough holding power but still be soft enough to make a good seal.