Gear change - especially first gear

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Gear change - especially first gear

Postby RChandler01 » Mon May 17, 2010 4:13 am

Hi to all,

Slowly but surely my bike is becoming closer for use on longer rides, i.e. my confidence is increasing! However I now need to sort out the gear change / selection.

First gear is always very notchy and quite often becomes difficult to select as does neutral. With the clutch pulled in it doesnt stall or drag but the gears are difficult to find, this doesnt help with my nerves when at the front of a queue of traffic...I have recently had the oil changed.

Any ideas?


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Re: Gear change - especially first gear

Postby djsbriscoe » Mon May 17, 2010 6:00 am

What bike are you riding?
Does this happen when the engine is hot?
Have you checked the clutch adjustment?

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Re: Gear change - especially first gear

Postby RChandler01 » Mon May 17, 2010 7:12 am


Its the 125SM and yes it does happen once the bike is up to temp..

Clutch adjustment on the clutch plates for clutch lever?


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Re: Gear change - especially first gear

Postby djsbriscoe » Mon May 17, 2010 7:35 am

If it's a fairly new bike it might take a while to loosen up. For instance I very rarely use 6th gear (live in central London and commute in slow traffic) and that gear is a bit stiff to get into. I've also found that if the gear lever has any pressure on it when you are not changing gear it can sometimes cause missed gears.
Also have you checked the chain tension this might be too tight and could affect the gear change.

Bikes:2006 RT125 (sold Jan 2013),2001 Skorpion Traveller (sadly sold) Current bike Honda NC750X DCT (2014)
Past owner of original ETZ125,ETZ251,Kanuni ETZ251 models
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Re: Gear change - especially first gear

Postby RChandler01 » Mon May 17, 2010 7:53 am

Thanks David. My bike isn't too new, it is a 2002 and it has done 14,000 KMs.

I am going to have a fiddle with the clutch adjustment for now and share updates and hopefully progress.


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