ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

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ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby crazyguy59 » Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:31 pm

hey there,

ive recently bought myself an ETZ 125 and after taking it for a quick spin a few weeks ago ive discoved it wont do much more than 40mph. has anyone got any suggestion as to why this is???? any answers will be much appreciated.

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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun Dec 05, 2010 10:20 pm

if it has points in the ignition the spring in them may be weak..this can limit rpm
had the problem once on a r75 /5 bmw it had set for 13 years ran fine at idle but cut out at about 3000 rpm/udm
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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby crazyguy59 » Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:20 pm

thanks for the suggestion but i tried this earlier and i still have the same problem, pretty much everything on the bike has been checked and re checked again and all looks sound, but still this annoying problem
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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby jim1nich » Thu Dec 09, 2010 6:38 pm

It is possible the silencer may be blocked ? Does it feel very sluggish ?

If so drop the silencer of and give the bike a quick spin. if this is the problem you will know immediately !
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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Fluffy_Dog_1018 » Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:01 am

Might help if you list all the things you have done to date. This will get the members thinking!

Good luck.
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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:39 pm

if new old stock points were installed the problem with points i noted above can still be an issue
if the spring has been stored in the set position ie under tension and ready to use and then set on the shelf for 20 years
then the tension may be gone in that spring

i have about 10 sets of bmw r75/5 points that are no good because of this

the old bing brass floats for the /2 's are bad about cracks in new old stock just from setting on the shelf
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby crazyguy59 » Fri Dec 10, 2010 1:43 pm

firstly thanks for all the replies but unfortunately none of the suggestions seem to have worked.

I dropped the silencer and took it for a quick spin and the problem still occurred. I have also rebuilt the carb completely so the problems not there, im also pretty sure its not a fueling problem as ive checked all that over as with all of the electrics. Im completly stumped by this and cant think of anything else it could be any more suggestions will be very much appreciated.

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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Old Dog » Fri Dec 10, 2010 5:48 pm

Assuming the ignition is OK.
Taking off the silencer will not fix matters - if it is blocked. Solution is to clean it out or replace.
You rebuilt the carb - make sure you haven't swapped the main and the choke jets about.
Replace the airfilter.
Check that is had a standard sproket on the gearbox

Let us know how you get on
All the best

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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby crazyguy59 » Sat Dec 11, 2010 2:33 pm

hey there,

i think ive located the problem!! :) I decided to run it with out the silencer again and it definitely seemed better. As i am now fairly confident that this is where the problem lies can anyone suggest a quick and easy method of cleaning out the exhaust and removing any blockage that may have occurred over the years????

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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby Old Dog » Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:55 pm

Personally I would just get a new one cheap enough to do this. Alternatives are: Caustic soda solution overnight with a bung in one end. Setting the innards alight with a blow torch. Throwing the whole thing into a hot fire. I catagorically do not recommend any apart from replacement.

Check the airfilter and the gearing
All the best

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Re: ETZ 125 HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby webhead » Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:18 am

if carbs ok check timing ,if thats ok check plug for black oil, if thats ok ,check filter if thats ok check lefthand crank seal take clutch off easy , final drive sprocket is lefhand thread i think so be carefull you need sum1 to put foot on back break whilst undowing it, undo that first then clutch basket, look at seal they usualy when they get old start spininng round and round and that buggers seal up ,put a new 1 in,it will start first time , and go like a rocket ok maybe 60 lol,but i bet its that i have had loads of etz,s and they all needed crank seals doing there easy as you dont need to split crank caseing,

i just got me another and guess what seals need doing poor startr and mega smoke.

thats another thing always check oil pump is aligned correctly as too much smoke will hold it back ,and its little things that matter like air mixture screw,things like that if all correct then i would say look at seals ,and replace them easy to do start with left as that always buggers up, happy etzing.
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