this company THORUSA lists esjot sprockets they have a listing
for the mz 125 bikes both front and rear
for the pdf catalog
these sprockets fit some yamaha bikes but not any sold in the usa
so there is no yamaha part number that i have found
that works in the usa front or rear
check if these guys can order for you
ar dave 04/08/06
dont you just love bastard parts i spent 5 days trying to find sprockets for the 125's as aftermarket parts
bastard parts = part that fits only your bike because factory designed
it so you could only buy it from them
there are lots of 16 tooth sprocket out there why did ours have to have
a odd center hole and 16 teeth
ar dave

i will keep looking for other sprocket options including upgrade to
520 chain if a 520 chain will clear on the front