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Electic issue

Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:28 pm
by Klots
My horse is a MZ125 SM, year 2003
The problem is missing spark. Battery is full, fuses are well, kill switch is Ok, starter works great, but no spark! I have changed ECU, ignition coil, spark plug and i have noticed that two wires, that is going to stand swich, these wires are connected. I think they have to be separately, because otherwise there´s no point.
Have you any ideas?
Thanks for helping mate´s!
Cheers from Estonia
Re: Electic issue

Wed Sep 01, 2010 10:22 pm
the sidestand wires work relay 19 if it is not closed motor will not run
the one on my rt125 died a long time back
search site for relay19 or relay 19
Re: Electic issue

Thu Sep 02, 2010 12:19 am
by Klots
Thx m8.
Re: Electic issue

Fri Sep 10, 2010 2:49 pm
by Klots
Next problem. I changed the gray relay and i got my bike motor work (in neutral position) BUT.... When i put on any gear, it dies?!? I have no ideas about that.
Re: Electic issue

Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:41 pm
is the netural lamp working
the netural lamp a diode and the handle bar stop run switch all work together to ground the green wire from the gray relay
making it power the bike
grounding the lug the green wire bypasses the side stand switch and the kill switch
if grounding the lug makes bike run then problem is in the sidestand switch or the diode is bad
in the middle of drawing is marked a diode item 31 if this is open or shorted it can cause problems
find a HAM RADIO OPERATOR THATS ALSO A BIKER he may be of help or know some one that can sort it out
its hard to trouble shoot thing that are 10,000 km on the other side of the world
Re: Electic issue

Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:13 am
by Klots
To illiminate side stand switch, i disconnected it. If i pull gear on, the 2 wires are connected, like as kill switch does...Today i connect neutral blue wire to ground and try again. Thanks for help and i update if i have any news.
Re: Electic issue

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:52 am
by Klots
mymethod worked but neutral light works all time. still looking for suggestions..