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RT brake pistons

Sat May 07, 2011 1:56 pm
by JayJay
Just acquired a second hand rear caliper for my RT125, it looks like it requires new pistons and seals as the brake pads were rusted to hell and on removing them the tops of the pistons have quite a bit of pitting and rust on them, I cleaned them up as best as I could and rebuilt that caliper with new pads, fully bled the system and the pistons come out fine but leave the pads still touching the disk not enough to completely stop the wheel turning but you can hear it scraping.
I had a look about on the forum and found that Honda Goldwing seals fit but anyone know what pistons can be used?
thanks in advance
Re: RT brake pistons

Sat May 07, 2011 4:30 pm
i think the fellow was keith cross look him up in the members list and ask if he thinks the pistons will work
i may have his direct email if an on site mail post does not raise him
Re: RT brake pistons

Thu May 12, 2011 2:28 pm
by JayJay
From the looks of it all the parts I need are available from Grahams Motorcycles so I'm going to go all genuine if I can, however I have come to the conclusion that the problem may be with the brake pad fastening bolts which were severely corroded, I cleaned off the rust as best I could with the tools available at the time but the pads are still not fully moving back from the disk, does anyone know if there are any off the shelf parts made of stainless steel that fits the RT calipers? If not I will get a set of the original ones and try them and if it solves the problem I'll take the old pair and see if any of my local bike shops have anything the same size in stainless.