
ETZ(including Kanuni), ETS, ES, TS, IFA-RT, BK, Saxon,

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Re: ETZ...premix???

Postby stogadog » Wed Feb 08, 2012 10:42 am

If your'e going to do that why not just use the standard oil tank - they aren't that big and are fairly tucked out of the way so it won't spoil the lines of your bike too much. Seen them on ebay quite frequently.
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Re: ETZ...premix???

Postby Steve1200s » Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:23 am

I've got the origonal tank.

Its well hidden on the standard bike, but I'm stripping anything I dont need, including side pannels, chain gators etc..... so the tank has to go too it think.....
Steve - Sheffield UK
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Re: ETZ...premix???

Postby Skorpion » Wed Feb 08, 2012 4:00 pm

The story I heard many moons ago was that when the factory went to a 50/1 petroil mix on the TS250, the were lots of big end and main bearings failing as the engine was very torquey, and with such a low oil mix didn't like large throttle openings at low revs, this was mainly in countries that carry the family and goods on the bike.

On the ETZ models they altered the port timing to make less low down torque, so the motor had to be revved higher, this helped as less load is placed on the big end and main bearings.

On the TS models there is no tickover so NO oil enters the engine on a closed throttle, but if you have ever stripped down a TS engine and seen the large amount of oil left in the crankcase I think you should be OK for awhile.

ETZ models do have a tickover so even with premix will get some oil however small the amount.
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Re: ETZ...premix???

Postby Old Dog » Wed Feb 08, 2012 5:38 pm

Unless the bike is stalled there is always oil getting to the engine on premix.
All the best

Old Dog

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Re: ETZ...premix???

Postby Skorpion » Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:41 am

Old Dog wrote:Unless the bike is stalled there is always oil getting to the engine on premix.

On a TS not fresh oil or petrol, the carburetor is CLOSED, the only way oil can enter the motor is if you open the throttle, i.e. blip occasionally.

Extract from Wikipedia,

All two-stroke engines running on a petrol/oil mix will suffer oil starvation if forced to rotate at speed with the throttle closed, e.g. motorcycles descending long hills and perhaps when decelerating gradually from high speed by changing down through the gears. Two-stroke cars (such as those that were popular in Eastern Europe in mid-20th century) were in particular danger and were usually fitted with freewheel mechanisms in the powertrain, allowing the engine to idle when the throttle was closed, requiring the use of the brakes in all slowing situations.


Two-stroke engines Engine braking in a premix two-stroke engine can be extremely harmful to the engine, because cylinder and piston lubricant is delivered to each cylinder mixed with fuel. Consequently, during engine braking, the engine starves not only of fuel but also lubricant, causing reciprocating parts to wear rapidly. Many old two-stroke cars (Saab, Wartburg, etc.) had a freewheel device on the transmission to make engine braking optional. Most two-stroke motorcycle engines since the 1970s have had lubrication by an oil pump, independent of the throttle and fuel system, such as Suzuki's Posi-Force system.
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