how loud should this engine be 74 ts 150

ETZ(including Kanuni), ETS, ES, TS, IFA-RT, BK, Saxon,

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how loud should this engine be 74 ts 150

Postby ghostinthemist » Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:31 am

This is my first 2 stroke how loud should she be? Dosent seem to make an excessive amount of noise ideling but while at 50 to 60 she sounds like a beast! Let me know thanks and i only have 700 miles on engine
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Re: how loud should this engine be 74 ts 150

Postby Downton » Thu May 10, 2012 8:30 am

Hi there,new to the forum myself but to try and answer if you have the throttle fairly wide open at those speeds you will get quite a lot of induction noise from the airbox,its a difficult one to answer without hearing it but noises for concern are a rattle or rumbling ...Hope this helps!
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Re: how loud should this engine be 74 ts 150

Postby Old Dog » Fri May 11, 2012 12:05 pm

I have a ETS 150 and yes there is a lot going on for a bike with no valve gear. The primary drive is a chain and the airbox arrangement is something which reflects the price they sold for - cheap.

They can sound fruity on the throttle.

So long as you haven't got anything coming from the cylinder or below - knocking and the like and you're using a good oil chances are you'll be OK but as the other guys said can't hear it on internet
All the best

Old Dog

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