ETZ250 Mirrors

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ETZ250 Mirrors

Postby andy288 » Sun Jun 10, 2012 4:14 am

Any idea what the thread size is as mine appear a little worn and would benefit from re tapping? My guess would be M10 x ? pitch, 1.5 maybe?

Also, is there anyone that supplies replacement pattern mirrors at a reasonable cost, ideally similar to the originals?

Perhaps someone has bought some and could recommend?

Cheers then

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Re: ETZ250 Mirrors

Postby Skorpion » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:03 am

Hi andy288

Pattern mirrors here.
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Re: ETZ250 Mirrors

Postby andy288 » Sun Jun 10, 2012 9:40 am

Cheers Skorpion - any idea of the price?

See they do genuine & pattern ones?

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Re: ETZ250 Mirrors

Postby radiograf » Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:31 am

Had a worn out mirror boss on Emzie when I bought her, so I replaced the rear clamp on the clucth lever with the one below.
replacement mirror clamp
This allows a japanese mirror to be fitted, as they are more available.
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Re: ETZ250 Mirrors

Postby Louis Mair » Wed Jun 13, 2012 8:09 am

The ETZ (brembo) has M10x1.5 threads. Cheap pattern mirrors have very loose-fitting threads as standard and two nuts that lock where the original one has a tapering nut.
The 250 RS had ETZ-Saxon mirrors but Brembo brake and levers.
The ETZ-Saxon has very good mirrors with an M10x1.25 thread. The Saxon mirrors screw into a half-clamp like the one in radiograf's photo. You could fit them to the brembo levers.
I've seen photos of accessory mirrors that fitted to the lever pivot/were the lever pivot. They didn't look very robust.
With brembo levers and Saxon half-clamps you could have four mirrors. You might have to wear a parka with that combination!
The previous paragraph is a feeble joke about mods and scooters which cannot be translated into American.
If the thread for the brake side really is worn a thread insert or helicoil kit will start to look like a cheap option.
I am currently fitting the very reasonably-priced ETZ pattern mirrors to a TS with Brembo brake. They are away for professional painting to compensate for the poor quality plating and build up the thread profile.
Good luck
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