Hi friends,
despite my extensive searches, have not found anything relevant to my problem anywhere... so would like to tap into your collective wisdom .
I am a proud owner ofan 1981 ETZ250. It is my favourite ride, and well, on the whole she is reliable...
Symptom: After filling up the 2T tank , about 3Km's into the ride, at the lights, there is a complete MESS of 2T oil. Not the 'problem' where if its overfilled on a hot day some will escape from the vent tube, this is a lot of oil collecting and dripping all down the back of the engine, stand, and rear tyre.
I managed to limp to work, as the clear oil feed pip into the bottom of the cylinder emptied. To get her back I will guesstimate my premix ration on the oil-rich side.. and ride home.
Upon inspection, I noticed this thick rubber bung or plug, which is slightly out. My attempts to work out what the plug plugs (is it crankcase breather??) or indeed what the hole in the back of the engine is which is not in any manual has puzzled me. Would 2T oil squirt out of there?
If anyone knows... or indeed if anyone knows how to search for the part ...please help! I am runnin gon premix until then... it nearly cost me my bike!!