I know the starting procedure. But I've been told to always carry a spare plug because it WILL oil up. How do I know when it's oiled up? I know I'll need to replace piston rings at some point - once a year? But what else will I need to do/watch out for?
PO said if I leave the fuel on I may flood the crank. What does this mean, how do I know if it's happened, and what do I do if it happens?
He also fitted a voltmeter. What am I looking for and what do I do if it's not that? I presume 12-12.5 at standstill and what 13-.5-14 when running? Is it just to indicate the reg/rec is naff.
It has points. What do they do and how do I check? There was something else he's fitted as a spare "just so I can plug and go if it stops working" - kind of a cylinder and attached to the pints somehow. Any ideas! And again how do I know whether I need to plug it in? (How is another issue!)