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PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 7:40 pm
by manumensa
The brakes are a Brembo imitation (look ´80 Benelli motorcycles) are too powerful.
This that seems an advantage is a serious problem in the case of braking of emergency or with the humid road.
How I have improved this in my motorcycle?
A motard said to me he fell because block the front brake of his ETZ 250 in a freeway a day of rain, ...something similar to me
The solution for him was sell the treasonous motorcycle.
The solution for my:
Tire 3,00 (Dunlop K-82).
MZ Front brake masters cylinder changed by Nissin (Honda 250 CB).
Don´t forget rear brake.
The pressure of the tire never superior to 1,7 kg/cm2.
Use a fresh tire, can be known watching the date of manufacture.

Saludos, Manuel.