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TS250 4 speed engine in Supa 5

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 10:07 am
by mitzi
Hi All

Does anyone know if the older (and more attractive?) TS 250 4 speed top end will fit onto a Supa 5 bottom end?


Re: TS250 4 speed engine in Supa 5

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 1:31 pm
by Old Dog
I cannot speak with certainty but I very much doubt it as the bottom ends are quite different.

Re: TS250 4 speed engine in Supa 5

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 3:24 pm
by awac
Hello Mitzi, I am doing the complete opposite, a Supa 5 into es250 chassis. I believe the top end will go on, have a look at and read his excellent diary of the Trophy sidecar project. He has built (send him an email for his advice, I have emailed him in the past and had a friendly response) an etz250 with the spiked (TS250) head onto it (Just remember that you can not use a TDC gauge to check ignition timing with the off centre spark plug hole, like you can with the central spark plug position, but don't let that put you off if you go for it).

Re: TS250 4 speed engine in Supa 5

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:12 pm
by therealche
Hi Awac, you might like to have a look at this blokes bike

Re: TS250 4 speed engine in Supa 5

PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 7:51 am
by Louis Mair
The answer to your question is: Yes!
The more attractive to look at (but not so easy to set the timing), cylinder head is a direct simple swap.
To convert the 5-speed barrel to 4-speed specification you will need to remove the four noise suppressing rubbers.
End of story!