will it fit (2) - exhaust and silencer for a 250/1?

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will it fit (2) - exhaust and silencer for a 250/1?

Postby mhsilverw » Tue Apr 24, 2012 1:51 am

Anyone got a recommended supplier for an exhaust and silencer for a 250/1 (I am in UK) :?:

My bike is working but the silencer and exhaust are badly corroded and have been painted black (by a previous owner) to no doubt hide the 'scabby-ness' so was pondering a replacement. :?

Have seen some on ebay for (what I think is an ETZ) but not sure one of those fits/works on the earlier 250/1...maybe someone can advise? :?


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Re: will it fit (2) - exhaust and silencer for a 250/1?

Postby Louis Mair » Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:46 am

If you read ricardo's posting "Exhaust baffles me" you may come to appreciate that black is beautiful. Another way to improve your appreciation of something that is working fine is to take it out on the road and concentrate on what is in front of you.
In the fullness of time holes will appear in your exhaust. Then you will really need to do something. mz-b will sell you an expensive TS exhaust that looks good and feels heavy. They accept PayPal which makes them a practical source.
To fit an ETZ silencer you need the shorter ETZ exhaust stay.
Rat bikes are beautiful too!
I should have mentioned the last time that most ETZ exhaust pipes do not fit. The exception is the Kanuni-ETZ pipe which fits a TS.
I wish you luck
Last edited by Louis Mair on Fri Apr 27, 2012 6:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Louis Mair
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Re: will it fit (2) - exhaust and silencer for a 250/1?

Postby therealche » Tue Apr 24, 2012 5:27 pm

Do mz-b have much MZ stuff these days? Last time I looked there wasn't much there.
http://www.ost2rad.de have loads of stuff and take paypal
http://www.themzshop.co.uk/ Are meant to be up and running from next week so should be your best

Or just keep slapping on the black paint!
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