Timing advice ES250 please!

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Timing advice ES250 please!

Postby stogadog » Tue May 29, 2012 4:50 pm

It was all going to plan. I had my Trophy booked in to do the Thundersprint a couple of weeks ago and thought I would ride down to save some cash hiring a van. Well 25 miles from home it blew up so we never raced! Arse...
The piston had burnt out on the exhaust side and it was pinking before so I'm guessing it's a timing issue. I know it had oil as it's premix and I have cleaned out the carb so that should be OK now. The plug was nice and brown so I don't think it was running lean.
I have now got it going again but would like some idiots guide to timing just so I know I haven't made a stupid mistake. To set it I have had the head off and marked TDC on the barrel and then 2.5mm below that I have marked a line where the points should open. I know that pinking occurs when the timing is too far advanced so that is when the points begin to open after my 2.5mm line ? I haven't got a dial gauge so this is the most accurate way I can think of doing it.
Any advice very welcome!
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Re: Timing advice ES250 please!

Postby radiograf » Wed May 30, 2012 3:35 pm

The first thing I can think to say is set your points gap before you set your timing, it might seem obvious but the wrong gap can upset your timing.
The other thing is try using a portable radio to find when your points open. To do this, tune the radio to a silent frequency, (no music!), place the radio close to your engine, and turn it over. As the points open, you will hear a click on the radio, as the HT spark also creates a radio pulse. This is why resistors are fitted into the plug cap, so not to ruin radio/tv reception.
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Re: Timing advice ES250 please!

Postby djsbriscoe » Wed May 30, 2012 4:22 pm

Get the timing tool from Burwins in London (listed here)


Or available on Ebay

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TDC-TIMING-TO ... 1401706827

Bikes:2006 RT125 (sold Jan 2013),2001 Skorpion Traveller (sadly sold) Current bike Honda NC750X DCT (2014)
Past owner of original ETZ125,ETZ251,Kanuni ETZ251 models
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Re: Timing advice ES250 please!

Postby stogadog » Thu May 31, 2012 7:21 am

I do have one of those timing tools somewhere but it isn't much use as the Trophy hasn't got a vertical plug hole, at an angle it's difficult make it go up and down properly and then read!
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