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Help wiring up an Etz301

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 1:02 pm
by Trogolodyte
HI Can anyone give me some advice on wiring up a stator from an Etz 301, I have wired the electronic ignition (cdi box), the charging curcuit (black wires U,V & W) is wired to the diode plate as it should be, D- goes to the earth (brown wire), DF (blue and green wire) top brush) feeds to the fuse box (outside fuse) and then on to the regulator, Please can any one tell me where does the bottom brush connection (marked 51) feed to...? the only wire I have left is green with a red stripe and I am buggerd if I can find/figure/remember where it feeds to......considering that I have no experience of the Etz's with electronic ignition, knowing my luck it aint even used on the 301...!
On a points set up bike that wire is marked DF and feeds to the regulator via the fuse box ... /ibox1.jpg

In the above link, I am talking about the green and white wire coming out of the bottom of the stator, i have no idea where it feeds to, next to the U,V & W black wires that feed to the rectifier diode plate.

Re: Help wiring up an Etz301

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:13 pm
some one in the uk lend a hand here
i have only seen 1 MZ 2 smoker in my life
so i am as lost as the next guy on this problem
unless some one has some real good drawings of the whole thing

Re: Help wiring up an Etz301

PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 2:47 pm
by radiograf
When you say diode plate do you mean a combined voltage regulator/ rectifier, or are they seperate? Looking at the wiring diagram for the post 91 models (pre saxon)the green red wire appears to connect to the other brush.

Re: Help wiring up an Etz301

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 6:26 pm
by Trogolodyte
No, it has a seperate diode plate rectifier, with the separate mechanical regulator. I know the green and red wire connects to the other lower brush (marked 51) I just dont know where that wire connects at the other end as non of my wiring diagrams show it...

Re: Help wiring up an Etz301

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 7:46 pm
by therealche
I'll put this here as well as FB in case it's of help in the future

Got us all foxed here. Im comparing the MZ colour diagram with Haynes little book of lies. MZ has a green and red wire running from an alternator terminal 61 which goes to a terminal 61 on a COMBINED regulator/rectifier unit but you have the separate regulator and rectifier.

I would expect it to be the exciter wire to the rotor, which is the green and blue wire on the MZ plan. Looking at it with points, there are the three black charging wires, The green wire which connects to the points,the earth wire that goes to one side of the rotor and the blue/green wire which goes to the fuse box and then the regulator.
Now looking at the cdi one. there are now 3 ignition wires white,green and brown, brown being your earth, the same three black charging wires and theres one more wire green/white. Now unless I am wrong this must be the same as the green/blue and act as the excitor wire for the alternator rotor.
Maybe you have got a spare wire!

Re: Help wiring up an Etz301

PostPosted: Tue Nov 13, 2012 3:08 am
by Trogolodyte
Ok my mistake the lower brush is marked 61 not 51, I blame my dark shed and the previous owner of this stator for covering it with globs of silver spray paint.
With this in mind I looked closely at the wiring diagrams for both the earlyer models, with seperate reg/rect and the later ones with combined reg/rect and the internal wiring through the diode plate is the same there is just an extra connection hard wired into 61 on the rectifierdiode plate. So with that info in mind I have come to the conclusion that it feeds to the plug marked 61 on the diode plate as it looks like 61 (the green and red wire that feeds the charging controll light) goes straight to earth after the bulb. and have added a crimp that has an extra blade for the extra connection.

Re: Help wiring up an Etz301

PostPosted: Wed Nov 14, 2012 2:48 pm
by Trogolodyte
THanks for the advice che, it would seem my suspitions were correct, the rotor is wired in reverse and it needed me to fit the electronic voltage regulator before the rest of the wiring all made sense, 61 on the stator feeds to 61 on the rectifier diode plate.. have sparks and all the electrics i can check seem to check out ok...

Re: Help wiring up an Etz301

PostPosted: Thu Nov 22, 2012 3:21 am
by Trogolodyte
All sorted out now, all electrics check out and working A - OK , Thank you all for all the advice both here and on the facebook page mz riders group uk, it has been invaluable.