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Cleaning Crankcases/Barrel/Head etc

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 9:04 am
by andy288
Engine out of the Supa5, degreased etc but its still a bit oil stained & tarnished etc, the fins on the head are also quite oxidised with white powder pretty much all over.

So, shall I just clean em up best as possible or get em blasted?

Obviously the blasting is easier and provides far superior results but it on the downside it costs and it is an MZ after all is said and done!

My objective is to end up with a nice useable bike, clean and tidy but not overly 'blinged up and polished' as you sometimes see.

If I do go with the 'clean em up best as possible' route (which is most likely) whats the best/easiest method of doing this, particularly the fins on the head which are quite awkward in places to do?

Advice and comments gratefully received!

Re: Cleaning Crankcases/Barrel/Head etc

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 11:07 am
by therealche
I wouldn't go with bead blasting, it just leaves an incredibly reactive surface that goes white and furry again quickly. I use Machine Marts Aluminium cleaner and some wire wool, of a selection of old tooth brushes, paint brushes etc, and those green nylon scrubby things for cleaning saucepans. Tight? Moi? Never!

Re: Cleaning Crankcases/Barrel/Head etc

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 2:43 pm
by andy288
Yeah, seems the way to go to me!

Had a quick 'test' this afternoon with a small brass rotary wire brush, ok if you don't apply too much pressure but still a little 'fierce'.

Also tried the toothbrush method with various cleaners I had available and green scourers too which I also had and worked ok to a point.

Gonna order some Ally Cleaner as you suggest and use a combination of all the above methods where appropriate I think!

Re: Cleaning Crankcases/Barrel/Head etc

PostPosted: Sat Aug 02, 2014 4:20 pm
here in the usa i clean the bmw engine cases that are very nasty with a small brass brush
and a house hold cleaner called 409 and spray them down with water
works good does not seem to do long term damage to the engine

NOTE pre 1980 bikes with cast cases

Re: Cleaning Crankcases/Barrel/Head etc

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:18 pm
by CharlieCeng
Cillit Bang!

Re: Cleaning Crankcases/Barrel/Head etc

PostPosted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 9:06 pm
Cillit Bang! in the usa is known as "easy off" but may not be the same stuff .. because here its an oven cleaner
so test things on a small spot somewhere underneath the engine
or try it on an old case or part that is headed for the trash bin as its next stop


Re: Cleaning Crankcases/Barrel/Head etc

PostPosted: Wed Nov 05, 2014 7:46 pm
by MichaelTorre
Bar Keepers Friend, removes rust stains
and incredible filth.