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6V Battery - will it work?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 3:50 am
by mhsilverw

Does anyone know if a 6V 7ah battery will work on my TS150?

I may be able to 'borrow' a sealed 6V battery (I think meant for alarms/mighting) and wondered if this would work on the MZ.



Re: 6V Battery - will it work?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:14 am
by ricklincs45
Hello Mark,

I can't answer your question directly, but can offer this (which I found out the very hard way...).

My own TS125 had what I thought to be a good 6v battery - it was showing 6.2v on voltmeter, but bike just would not start. I spent ages messing around with ignition timing, plugs, plug cap etc etc, all with no improvement.

More out of desperation (or inspiration) I bought a brand-new battery. She fired up first kick :roll:

I had thought the MZ wouldn't be that sensitive to battery power, but the lesson here I guess is, don't assume a borrowed battery will have enough strength to start the bike.


Re: 6V Battery - will it work?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:59 pm
by Agronski
If you are still operating the original electrics, even if you've got an electronic regulator - DON'T USE A SEALED OR GEL-CELL BATTERY. The regulation on the MZ's is dreadful, and the cells need to be able to vent. At full whack, you could over-charge the cells - for a flooded-cell battery, you just boil away a little electrolyte. If it's an sealed lead-acid, the pressure might not escape fast enough and the cells could explode :!:

A 6V, 7Ah flooded-cell battery will do just fine (it works on my TS) - but if you can find an 11Ah, get that. Also, lead-acid batteries don't like being left alone to discharge - if the bike's not running, bring the battery inside where it's warm and connect it to a proper trickle-charger.
