What type of forks ?

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Sun Apr 22, 2007 12:53 am

sorry for the screwed up html. I don't understand why the forum sometimes places the images and other times not, altho the syntax is exactly the same.

Exhaust ground clearance is a problem with all Skorpions but the Cups and Replicas, especially on the Tour, and I ground my L&W right thru. But after the exhaust caused me to go down once too often, breaking my hand, I threw out the original system and built a new rerouted one using a 3-bolt flange to accept the BSM can - or any other can with that pattern. It ran more centrally under the bike, requiring the centerstand bracket to be removed; neither Cups nor Replicas have a centerstand and the centerstand was the first thing I removed from my Skorpions anyway. I made this DIY for the racer in its first configuration, before things got serious about it. It then went onto the Tour and then to the red Sport when I got a Remus Cup system, the one presently on my Tour. That DIY system was sold with the red Sport eventually.
When the racer got really serious, the Tour got the original seatframe and seat cowl from the racer.

Soft spring? I actually doubt that. Soft compared to what? To the Bilstein? It is WAY too hard unless you weight 100kgs or more and have a BIG girlfriend on the back. Forksprings are too hard, too.
When you straddle the bike, it should go up and down with your weight on the seat parallel to the ground and it should do this both smoothly and with relative ease. First reactions to my Tour by riders coming from a stock Skorpion is that mine is too soft. After riding a few miles (or more - often offer to exchange bikes while on a tour), they are amazed at the measier handling and greter comfort as well as at the fact that their wrists don't hurt even tho I have the clipons under the tripletree. And amazed how much more natural it is to have 1st gear up. They have all wanted to change to racing pattern. They all wanted the Brembo brakes, too.
Whatever, the FZR strut is factually not too soft. Now that the rear is closer to what it should be, the hard forksprings are much more evident. Even the dealer I bought the Tour from advised me almost immediately to get the WP forksprings (they were then the only ones) which I did. A revelation.
My MuZs.jpg
I had just bought the red Sport; the DIY system is mounted on the racer and the difference in routing can be seen to the Tour.The DIY runs inside the framebracket, the original outside.
My MuZs.jpg (71.6 KiB) Viewed 3350 times
here the Remus Cup system. It runs very centrally inside the frame bracket and VERY close to the swingarm. It als has less sharp bends at the head requiring the radiator to be set a bit farther forward and is larger in diameter.
toy.jpg (119.57 KiB) Viewed 3350 times
here the DIY with BSM can on the Tour. THe BSM can is not good but it is legal here in Germany. No others are without additional certification. I normally had a BOS straight-thru mounted to this system as can be seen in the top pic.
toy-BSM.jpg (203.84 KiB) Viewed 3349 times
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Postby ZzerO » Sun Apr 22, 2007 1:29 am

i have a cup, but not iwth the remus exhaust. and the linkpipe is not as centered under the bike as with the remus.

about the shock, i know its hard to believe, but it really is to soft, i even didnt try to ride it, cause if you pushed the seat down, with your hands the bike would go down to easy, if a sat on it, it felt much softer then the bilstein shock, and i weigh 74kg, or arround 82 with gears, so i doubt that is the problem. maybe the shock i bought on ebay was worn...
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Postby Bill Jurgenson » Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:20 am

Of course it feels softer than the Bilstein. That thing is much too hard. Ride it, at first carefully. Does it bottom out? if not, it is not too soft. Depends of course, but for road use probably not. Setting the spring preload to the limit doesn't really change the properties of the spring itself.
It is of course quite possible, that the strut is worn out. That would affect the damping badly, but not the softness of the spring. The WP Replica spring is 130/165 - that rating is more than stiff enough and will work - the rating, not necessarily that spring - with ANY damper. Spring diameter has to fit the strut in question.
How is the damping?
How is the rebound?

re. Sachs strut. At the moment, it is "on loan" to someone who bought a Sachs strut and is using mine as a model for the necessary changes. I have the WP spring from the Replica on the Sachs. Juergen -that's his name - made a .pdf showing and describing how my strut is changed and what spring to use - attached below.

Price? hard to say, also I am not sure I want to sell it.
Federbein Sachs.jpg
Sachs strut for Aprilia RS250 with modifcations to fit Skorpion. pdf converted to jpeg
Federbein Sachs.jpg (68.36 KiB) Viewed 3341 times
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Postby ZzerO » Sun Apr 22, 2007 5:48 am

maybe you're right that the shock is ok for road use, but i'm using it on road and circuit, and even on the road, i like a stiff suspension, little less confortable but i dont mind it. with the stock shock on the 2nd position, in fast corners, the back end started to whobble, now in 3de position its kinda gone.. in 4th and hardest position it didnt whobble at 'high' speed but its to unconfortable for road use, especially on the crappy belgian roads..

about the rs shock, i read the pdf once, but its in german and i didnt understand everything, maybe if i see a picture, before/after that it will become completely clear, the problem is that i dont have the machinery to modify the spring. i grinded my fzr shock at my old school, cause is was easy to do, different story with the rs shock i guess...

if you decide to sell the rs shock, you can always mail me :wink:

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Was "What type of forks " new Aprilia rear shocks

Postby droy » Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:16 pm

Reviving a old topic. First thanks to Bill for posting the instructions. I pick up a newish RS250 shock almoist 2 years ago and I'm working on this conversion. I have the spacers made up and finally did grinding to make it fit. Next up is the new spring. Looking for a cheap used spring but cant find the WP recommended. Anyone have a guess at another spring that will work and hase the correct specification?


[b]Gang of Four
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Re: What type of forks ?

Postby Bill Jurgenson » Mon Dec 20, 2010 1:31 am

as I wrote 3 years ago, any spring with the correct rising rate will do, as long as it fits in diameter.
The WP Replica spring is 130/165
ID for Wilbers and WP is 46mm.
You can order such a spring from any of the suppliers, including WP. Just don't order it for the Skorpion. and you can try various springs from whoknowswhat off ebay as long, again, as the inside Ø is correct.
I doubt seriously, that you will find much, and probably nothing suitable in the long run.
You'll just have to break down and order a new spring.
Most of the springs over here are actually made by Eibach.
Their website only shows car stuff, however.
and in the States of course, Penske.
and I suggest everyone download Penske's very good manual
Which is valid for most units of this type and make and very comprehensive.
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Re: What type of forks ?

Postby droy » Tue Dec 21, 2010 7:47 am

Thanks Bill,

That what I thought but I wanted to give it a try.

Any tips on how to remove the spring on this shocks. Is the lower mount threaded into the damper rod?


[b]Gang of Four
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Re: What type of forks ?

Postby droy » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:55 am



Looks like this spring will work for a RS520 conversion? It's just a few lbs softer and appears to be correct in length and diameter.

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/DUCATI-7 ... 3f06888bff

I needed to use this helpful web site to figure out the Spring numbering conversion.


[b]Gang of Four
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