I bougt the complete forks, including the Yokes /triple clamps and handlebar clamps-they can be obtained quite cheaply, as oppssed to the price of a set of secondhand Ohlins

that I would have liked to have used.
Wonky is EXTREMELY busy, and I know Wonky can only do it when and if he has spare time. He has his mates to do too, so at least having to do two sets will make it easier. If you look at the job he did getting the Ohlins to fit, the YZ ones should be easy (God, I hope he doesn't read this!!!!).
The wheel colour I chose is cetainly "interesting" but the rims and the hubs do match the green of the MZ badge.
Although it won't be an exact STMZ copy, it will show what can be done (thanks to Wonky-and Slipstreams-hard developement work) bit by bit. as and when money allows. My engine is in a similar state of tune, same carbs, but other stuff (such as brakes, exhaust, suspension and cosmetics) will differ. For now that is, but like Wonky's bike, mine will be a rolling project, and I am sure I will incorporate the ideas he has not yet had in mty bike in the future! I just hope he doesn't copyright anything he does!!.
Becoming A Track Day Addict. Baggi Well On The Way To Completion. Well, One DAy Closer................