I would definitely go for a larger chainwheel, 41 at least, 43 better. Unless you have gone to etensive tuning, the engine cannot pull the long OEM ratio (15/39) in 5th gear to the top.That means that with a sensible limiter allowing RPM over 8000, th bike is just as fast with 15/43 a it is with 15/39 but of course acceleration is vastly better.
Use a top quality chain like a DID 520 ERV3 or a RK GY520XO. If sensible, use a motorcross chain without seals as it uses even less HP. A runofthemill O- or X-ring chain such as those supplied with chain kits, uses up to 2HP all by itself and that is 2HP you don't have to waste on a cheap chain.
The Ignitech Sparker TCIP4 is fully programmable. You can set the ignition curve a you see fit and the limiter whereever you want.
here is an example of a curve I use:
here is another page from the SW where things like the limiter are set, here to 8400 'cause the owner wanted it that low.
I have mine set at 9000 in the SZR and rev the thing regularly to at least 8500 in the first three gears. The air-cooled 4-valve XT600 engine in my Skorpion doen't rev that high regardless. BOth teh XT600 and SRX had no limiter at all!What for?
This is the page with basic settings. Yamah XT600 is the nearest stored curve and necessary for the basic pckup data but it is otherwise meaningless.
I have no idea if there is an importeur for Ignitech in OZ. I can supply you with one programmed and ready to use plug and play if you want. If so contact me off list (email below, no PNs!)
BTW, Ignitech's rectifier ist worlds better than the DENSO part in the MZ as well. After several Densos and a "universal" (ha!) part, I can testify to the superiority of the czech part.
The SW runs in real time, so you can change settings while the engine is running. RPM are then shown and of course the red bar reading no connection is green.
You are wrong about the Denso box, tho. The limiter is fixed at 7200, regardless of what myths the tach may be telling.