I have been lurking here for a while and doing research about my beloved 2000 Baggie supermoto. The one thing I cannot find any definite information on is the slternatives to buying the stock enduro wheels that came on the Baggies. I have read ever post on here that I can find that has anything to do with this matter and here is what I have gathered.
93'ish XT600ee hubs MAY be a bolt in affair.?.?.?
Mid 90's KTM 18 & 21 inch wheels may bolt in with some spacer mods, but what models do these wheels come from?
I know there are people who have walked this road before I, and I would be greatful if you would share some of your vast knowledge.
On a side note if anyone has some enduro wheels they would like to see, I am your man. THanks all, and here is a pic of my 2000 MZ.