Many years ago I worked in a UK petrol station. At the time, mid 1960s petrol was 4/11 (25p) per UK gallon or roughly 5.5p a litre.
I found some web pages with inflation rates and worked out what it should be today. About 90p a litre. However, most cars then did between 20 to 30 mpg while today 40 to 50 mpg is more common. So for cars allowing for the increase in fuel use efficiency fuel costs to the user are no different to the mid 1960s.
For bikes though it is rather different. Then many bikes did between 50 to 80 mpg. Today between 30 and 50 mpg. Its seams that in terms of efficiency bike performance is in reverse.
If everyone insists on riding bikes with engines bigger than most cars, flat out, then fuel costs are going to be higher.
In the UK the availability of bikes between 150cc and 600cc can be counted on one hand. Automatic scooters are improving things, but even so the efficiency of many of them leaves a lot to be desired.
If you want a fuel efficient vehicle, buy a car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!