
Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65


Postby gazorp » Mon Apr 28, 2008 6:49 pm

i've had my skorpion tour a couple weeks now. i couldn't believe the main tank ran dry at 140 miles and barely 8 miles from the reserve till i had to start pushing. 33 miles per gallon? not riding particularly hard either. is this normal?
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Re: mileage

Postby el-mar » Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:50 pm

My speedometer doesn't work but yes, the 8 miles for the reserve applies to my baghi as well.
and ~140 miles sounds roughly in the ballpark.
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Re: mileage

Postby aah5 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 9:47 pm

I have had a Skorpion Tour for 7 years now and get 60 mpg, 160miles til reserve and about 40-45 on reserve. Does vary slightly when 2up,but is usually pretty consistant, running on premium unleaded.
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Re: mileage

Postby rc645 » Mon Apr 28, 2008 10:57 pm

My '96 Skorpion Tour with stock jetting and exhaust generally got 50-55 MPG and 200 miles to reserve, but I expect that to drop now that I've put in a Dynojet kit. Changing from a 15t countershaft to a 14t had no effect on milage, as I was in 4th gear often as not with the stock gearing.
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Re: mileage

Postby Anna » Tue Apr 29, 2008 6:19 am

I'm with the last two posters here, my (fairly knackered) Skorpion Traveller gives me about 3 1/2 days into work and back (must be knocking on 180 miles or so as the journey is a good 25 miles each way) and at least 25-30 miles on reserve. The trip counter is broken so I can't be exact, but I know I can get home from work on reserve but not in to work the next day... Found that out the hard way...

Have you checked for leaks gazorp? Or has someone pulled a fast one and sold you a Skorp with a Baggy tank?? I was forever filling up the Baggy, used to drive my friends nuts!
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Re: mileage

Postby Robert » Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:17 am

hi- i dont know what your tank holds cap. but i commute a 05 baggy (no mods) to work daily at about 40 miles round trip, i regularly get 45-52 mi/gal. have checked your plug, air filter, tire pressure ect? i dont wash mine but maintanace is always up to par...also when my stock enduro pirellis were on it the milage was less by about 5-10mpg, now have metzler sport tec m3, and they are great and better mpg it seems...
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Re: mileage

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Apr 29, 2008 11:51 am

remember english gallon is bigger than usa gallon
my rotax powered saxon tour gets about 45 to 53 per usa gallon
and the rt125 gets about 60mp/usg
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: mileage

Postby BlueRidgePanther » Sat May 03, 2008 9:18 pm

DAVID THOMPSON wrote:remember english gallon is bigger than usa gallon

"The Imperial gallon is no longer legal, in the United Kingdom, for trade or public administration purposes, but it is used colloquially (and in advertising) for fuel consumption figures in miles per gallon."
If you can't use it for trade (which I take to mean sales), why do people still use it?
"The Imperial gallon continues to be used as a unit of measure for fuel in Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Burma, Grenada, Guyana, Sierra Leone and the United Arab Emirates."
Gazorp doesn't happen to be from one of those places, right?

I'd like to chime in and say that my Baggy generally gets at least 20 miles on reserve, but, you know, the tank setup is VERY different on the Skorps than on the SM/DP bikes.
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Re: mileage

Postby Anna » Tue May 06, 2008 7:41 am

We still use it because it makes sense to us old farts (although I was born after decimalisation...)

Anyway, imperial measures are not illegal, as chased through the courts by various butchers and greengrocers. I can't be arsed to dig out the citation just now, but I can if it's required. OK, you do have to charge by decimal units, ie price per kilo or litre, but you can show price per ounce or gallon or whatever for the old farts. Just because petrol stations choose only to show decimal units is neither here nor there.

Also, most odometers that I've come across in the UK (except late - Tour, Fun - 2-smoke MZs) still show miles. Even my Skorpion, which is later than all my 2-smokes... So you end up with a weird calculation of miles per litre which doesn't mean anything to anyone! So we convert litres to gallons in preference to converting miles to kilometers. Although thinking about it, my car (Peugeot) can, if I ask it to, display distances in kilometers. I don't ask it to though...

What's a "good" fuel consumption in terms of kilometres/litre anyway?

Sorry for the rant, but that's why I use mpg as my basis of comparison...

Anyway, with regard to the shocking fuel consumption of our first correspondent here - US miles are the same length as UK miles, yes? So talking in terms of miles per tankfull should have given him a reasonable idea about what the rest of us were getting from our bikes, in terms he could use. Hey gazorp, any news on that?? :D
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