New owner needs help !

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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New owner needs help !

Postby Grahamgfr » Wed May 07, 2008 1:51 pm

Hi Everyone,

I need a little advice ! Let me tell you my story..

Friend up North buy's a new Baghira Enduro back in 2001 and I love it ! I thought to myself Mmm maybe one day i'll have that.Fast forward to now and it's mine ! He kept it garaged and never used it. It's got 2600 miles on the clock,Mastiff clocks and mudguard and a nice can.

Today I took the brave choice of riding it back from the Wirral to London,everything was fine (except for my behind) untill i was on the M25 and it started misfiring at around 3000rpm and the rev counter became erratic.A Couple of miles later and it wouldn't rev beyond 5000rpm and then it cut out.
On the hard shoulder with the ignition switched on it was completely dead no warning lights or anything. The Rac said it was the Reg/Rectifier as there was little charge.Would you expect it to fail with such little mileage or do you think the battery had anything to do with it ? Maybe it's the lack of use ? I covered about 150 miles on it before the trip and it has performed and started great ! Can anyone help with some advice ? I noticed on the Reg/Rec some Yamaha tuning forks..Can i use a Yamaha item and if so what bike will it be from ?

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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby MSW » Wed May 07, 2008 2:13 pm

Well, a battery definitely can lose a charge from sitting for a long period, but if it starts the bike and the bike runs fine for a while before cutting out, it's probably not the battery (or even if the battery now has zero charge, it probably wasn't the original problem).

The most likely culprit does seem to be the regulator/rectifier. I would think that, if it was a faulty coil or CDI box, it might kill the spark, but wouldn't kill the battery or prevent the other electrics from functioning (but this is a guy who knows little about electrics in general talking).

HOWEVER, since the bike's been sitting for a while, before I order a new reg/rec, I would go through and make sure all of the electrical connections are good (clean, no corrosion, no frayed wires or loose connections). I haven't ever heard that the rectifier fails at an abnormally high rate on these bikes, nor have I heard that they fail more frequently after having sat for some time.

And as you know (to paraphrase Neil Young), corrosion never sleeps.

EDIT: To say that I don't have any idea what the specs are on the Yamaha XT regulator/rectifier, but it sure does look a whole lot different than the Baggy's. You might have to get the MZ-specific reg/rec, if necessary (even more reason to go through every single connection before opening the checkbook).
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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby Grahamgfr » Wed May 07, 2008 2:41 pm

Hey MSW thanks for the quick advice. I'll be checking it tomorrow !

May I add that the bike would have been connected to an Optimate charger once a week so it was very healthy when I picked it up and turned over strongly when started thoroughout the couple of days I rode it. When I was on the hard shoulder it was totally flat.

Can I confirm that the R/R is located near your left ankle,square and has cooling fin's on it ? If so it's definetly a Yamaha part with the logo stamped on it.
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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby MSW » Wed May 07, 2008 5:17 pm

Grahamgfr wrote:Can I confirm that the R/R is located near your left ankle,square and has cooling fin's on it ? If so it's definetly a Yamaha part with the logo stamped on it.

Affirmative. Looks like this:


EDIT: Hmmmm.... Not surprised that's it's Yamaha, even if not the same as the XT600/660. I wonder if they use the TDM850 reg/rec for the Baggy. Don't they use the TDM850 CDI Box (slightly detuned) for the Baggy as well?
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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby handsomejackuk » Wed May 07, 2008 6:28 pm

i got a yamaha trx 850, and a baghira, will check tomorrow if the cdi is the same

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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Wed May 07, 2008 9:19 pm

my rt125 had a very poor oem battery and took out the voltreg/ rec at about 20 miles

but do check all the plugs as these bikes are bad about the electrical wires corroding


extra check out relay 19 its part of the sidestand and neutral light safety circuit
and can cause problems
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby Stuart109 » Thu May 08, 2008 6:11 am

I had a charging problem on my Baghira that I though was battery (changed), and then rectifier(tried a new one). It turned out to be a broken fuse that prevented the battery charging (although the bike ran fine for 60-70 miles until the battery was drained). Got to be worth a quick check.
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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby hutchy » Thu May 08, 2008 2:21 pm

congrats on getting the baggy, i had a similar problem on my bike ( the bike would missfire when i put the turn signals on which set alarm bells ringing so i limped home without stopping and sure enough once the ignition had been turned off the battery was completely dead)and when I checked the charging circuit it turned out to be a blown fuse that takes care of the charge comming from the rec/regulator to the battery, i think its a 20 amp.
If it does turn out to be the rec/reg i did a bit of cross refrencing and found that a unit off an er5 kawasaki fitted (borrowed from the wifes bike) with only a tiny mod to the block connector( cut the lugs off), these are far easier to get hold of from any breakers especially as you live in the big smoke where er5's are used by a lot of distpach nutters and generaly get wrecked before the electrics have chance to fail.

good look and ride safe you shandy drinkin southerner!!..... Hutchy
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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby Grahamgfr » Fri May 09, 2008 10:03 am

Ok first of all may I thank everyone who has helped !

Well yesterday was a little stressful with various trips,the removal of the r/r,fuse checking,swapping batteries and a few phone calls but it turns out that the original Sprint battery was total scrap ! It was completely discharged and wouldn't recover even on charge ! I now wish I hadn't listened to the RAC man !

Charged new battery ( 32 quid from Aye Gee's in Welling) overnight connected it up today..14.7 volts at 3000rpm...think everything will be ok !!

Just been out for a spin and it feels good ! Can't believe the amount of looks the bike is getting !

Hey hutchy despatch nutters ? I was on the job for six years mate ! Come on ! and mines a Strongbow cheeky..... :D
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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby handsomejackuk » Fri May 09, 2008 5:11 pm


tell you what happened to mine was the vent tube of the battery came off, 1st thing i noticed was that my nearside foot peg was beginning to rust and i soon relaised that it was battery acid leaking over my rear footpeg, I am currently on my 3rd battery and it is an 03 2003 bike.Singles are very heavy on vatteries and require a lot of currants to start just watch riders trying to kick up a sinlge cylinder 660 motorbike takes a bit of force

hoep this helps

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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby scout18 » Wed Sep 03, 2008 10:16 pm

Hi everyone< I had a little trouble as described above too. I took out h R/R and searched the interweb for a compatible unit. I ended up back here and found this thread after one measly search and POW. I changed a fuse and everything is hunky dory. BTW I tested the fuses first and got a funny reading on the 20 but chalked it up to a bad test lead. I should have tried my backup meter to make sure.
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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:48 pm

yo do check out all the fuses and and there holders when theres a problem

i am into ham radio and a lot of the local fellows say they have been getting a lot of really crappy fuses of late
when fixing stuff
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: New owner needs help !

Postby Linegeist » Fri Sep 05, 2008 5:27 pm

hutchy wrote:I did a bit of cross refrencing and found that a unit off an er5 kawasaki fitted (borrowed from the wifes bike) with only a tiny mod to the block connector( cut the lugs off), these are far easier to get hold of from any breakers especially as you live in the big smoke where er5's are used by a lot of distpach nutters and generaly get wrecked before the electrics have chance to fail.

Nice piece of detective work there Hutch'. :lol: Might well save me some hair if/when mine goes. (Guess what my wife rides.....) :wink:
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