Is it a good price?

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Is it a good price?

Postby stitchgonewild » Thu Sep 23, 2004 3:13 pm

I found a brand new '01 Baghira for $5190. Is it a good price? What's the difference between '01 and the more recent year model?

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Postby Brian » Thu Sep 23, 2004 4:47 pm

Not to worry I'm not stalking you :twisted: :-D

Yea its a good price, the bikes are all the same, slight differences that aren't recognizable to the untrained eye :-D is it a Standard or a lowered version ?? At one time I saw a used one for like $ 3500.00 in primo condition

SMJ folks are all wrapped up on this size weight thing !!!! :roll: If you do some mods the bike will come down to middle 300's with fuel, she feels heavy pushing it around the garage, well compared to my KX....once rolling, the bike feels light and flicks around the street perfectly, tons of torque, excellent top speed stabilty.... KTM's are great but they don't have that bullet proof motor, they look like dirt bikes and they lack that wild weird sex appeal the Baggy has...... the other Euro's are rockin but for long term comfort and hwy riding I'm not convinced.....I love them all but just prefer the MZ :wink:
"Brian" 2003 MZ Baghira
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Postby stitchgonewild » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:02 pm

I went to the dealer and sat on that MZ. Man, I really liked the ride height. It's quite comfortable. It's not exactly brand new. It's more a demo bike. It went on a magazine shooot before. So, the bike has about 300 mils on it. What should I do? How's Husaberg? Surferguy80 on SMJ is selling his.

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Postby stitchgonewild » Thu Sep 23, 2004 7:44 pm

What's the difference between supermoto, baghira, and black panther? Sorry, I don't know anything about MZ at all :oops:
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Postby phlat65 » Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:01 am

Black panther and street moto are same. only real different models are the standard height, and reduced height. If you are getting it for street use, it is WAY better than almost anything else. Very reliable, and handling is real good.. I paid 5500 for mine in 02, it is a 01 Black panther reduced height.
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Postby stitchgonewild » Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:28 am

Whould yamaha parts fit on MZ? Would Yamaha dealer service MZ? How's riding on freeway? What's the tank capacity? Sorry about all the questions. :oops:
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Postby Brian » Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:32 am

ok, I'll try to be brief....Black Panther, Baghira and Street Moto are the same... they have an enduro which has a smaller front brake and knobbies 21/19 (and adjustable front forks),,, the standard heights are enduro's with 17" wheels and MT 60 tires, larger front brake and adjustable front forks... The Black Panther is only Black.... the street Moto and Baghira come in Yellow, Red and Titanium Silver....The lowered version comes in all colors as well.... but uses shorter front forks that are non adjustable and a lowered rear shock which is accomplished by different lengths of dogbones.... Both versions (lowered and Standard) have the same wheel base, yes the steering geometry is different on both bikes...... the lowered version would be my choice, I like my standard but had to re spring the front ( too soft) the forks flex abit under hard cornering and the front end above 75 in sweepers gives a light feeling... turn in on the standard isn't as good as the lowered... I am going to lower my bike 4 inches and put a big bore kit in it with flatslides....If you get that bike and its a standard I'm sure you will be very happy... the biggest improvement you can make is adding an after market exhaust... its a must !! Alot of us use M-4's and some retro cans off other bikes with great success some of our British brothers use another brand that I can't remember the name......Well thats all that comes to mind... go ride a Honda etc and then save the last test ride for the MZ, why ? because when you ride the MZ you won't get off it !!! Surf is selling his berg cause he is wanting to do alot of hwy driving and feels the larger bore bigger bike would make better sense for him... (he just moved to Cali from Seattle he is a college student)
For any of my MZ brothers/sisters pipe in If I have missed anything, as some of the members here have mega miles on theirs and far more experience with the bike...... Well so much for being brief :roll: read through old posts there is a TON of info !!!
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Postby Whysub » Fri Sep 24, 2004 7:18 am

I commute 600 miles a week on my Baghira (Black Panther high version), on backroads or the freeway, depending on time available. the weather and my mood, and it makes sense if ypouu want a supermoto that is going to be your only bike:

1), Much cheaper than the competition (CCM, KTM, that horrible Yamaha supermoto thing, etc)-can be had for around £4k new in the UK
2). 2 years UNLIMITED mileage warranty-motor very reliable. The only major breakdowns I have heard of all stem from the rider not checking the oil level
3). Decent service intervals (6,000kms)-filters etc are cheap
4). 90-100 mph all day cruising
5). A headlight that is good for 100 mph (honestly)
6). Despite rumour, it has a decent built quality using decent components-much better fitting than those on CCM's (take a look at their indicator brackets!!)
7). Relatively comfortable (note the word relatively) for longish rides
8). Motor well loved by Supermono racers, as easily (and reliably) tuned-if you have the wedge to do so

1). Lardy compared to some other tackle (EXC’s ‘Bergs, WR’s, etc)-you can remove bits and pieces to make lighter, but it is the motor that weighs a lot (no sure how heavy though)
2). Unconventional looks initially (but it has grown on me-I like it now)
3). Not as “punchy” as others, but can be sorted with can & jet mods. RrememberThis is comparing it against more competition based bikes.

For what I use mine for, it’s has all the advantages of a road bike (running costs, reliability etc.) and advantages of a Supermoto (height, looks, rideability, FUN, FUN and FUN!). The warranty seems to be good, and allows such things as exhaust changes. Saw one in London that had 98,000 kms on the clock, and was just 18 months or so old.

I use this now in preference to my GSX (just sold) and Diversion (up for sale)-more fun, full stop.

I will be buying a competition based SM-probabaly a WR, but will not get rid of the MuZ-it is great at what I want it for.
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Postby gedge » Fri Sep 24, 2004 8:14 am

What he said :D :D :D

Just got back in after a 80 mile blast along some narrow UK country lanes.. Can't think of another bike that would have coped better.. Top fun , flat out everywhere without complaint..I like mine more everytime I ride it :-D
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Postby phlat65 » Fri Sep 24, 2004 7:50 pm

I will agree with everything said so far. The most fun on this bike is the tight roads. It turns the dreary ride to work into a fun moto when you want. I have 2 jumps, lots of corners, and a few corners to Back it into on the way home instead of the 30 mile freeway drive. I have pressured very competent sport bikes in the twisties, which makes it even more fun. (The RC51 was my fav, Brian can tell you about that one :-D )

I have just about 10,000 miles on mine, had to change a failed Flasher, remove a piece of metal from the pilot jet, (all under warranty), replace a faulty front brake light switch ( $9.00 at a KTM dealer), and 1 chain ( I really like to wheelie :twisted: )

I have changed the oil every 2-2500 miles, and adjusted the valves once.

I ride it hard, and it still runs as well as when it was new.

most of the engine parts can be had at a Yamaha dealer, other hard parts can be tough, but MZ north america is getting that sorted.
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Postby stitchgonewild » Fri Sep 24, 2004 9:22 pm

Thank you so much for everyone's input. I really appreciate that. Right now, I have pretty much narrowed them down to MZ and DRZ 400 '05. I think I'll go with MZ though. I had a real good impression when I sat on it yesterday. The only problem is that I might need to let go my 916 since I don't have that much space for my bikes. Something has to go. :( Of course, I am a bit concerned that it wouldn't be a comfortable ride comparing with my 916. BTW, any aftermarket handguards would fit on MZ?
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Postby phlat65 » Sat Sep 25, 2004 7:22 pm

most handguards fit. I have the MSR's on mine, and they did their job in a crash...
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