Skid Plate for the Baggie

Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

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Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby MSW » Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:09 pm

So, it looks like we folks here in the U.S. who want to find a skid plate/sump guard for our Baggies basically have three options:

1. Buy the only aftermarket part that's made specifically for the Baghira and available (albeit by special order) in the U.S., which is the Touratech ( Not the worst thing in the world, as it appears to be competitively priced ($118.90 + shipping) as compared to aftermarket skid plates of similar quality for other models.

2. Fabricate your own, or in my case, have one fabricated, as I don't have one of those nifty metal bender/presses in my one-car garage. I'm not that desperate yet, though.

3. Find one that's made for another, more common model and try to fit it to the Baggie.

Obviously, the easy way is to order the Touratech part, wait 6-8 weeks for it to arrive, install it using the easy-to-read German instructions, and then each time you look at your motorcycle, hold your hand up, palm facing out, fingers pointing sideways, so you can block the bottom part of your bike from your vision, because that thing is ugly.

I know it's a very well made and durable part, and I'd certainly regret doing any serious dirt riding at all without that kind of protection, but come on. The Touratech skid plate looks like something you hit on the highway that just stuck to the bottom of your motorcycle. In fact, no offense to the Baggie Dual Sport owners who have the Touratech plate (my SM is currently undergoing a conversion to a Dual Sport itself), but when you install that sump guard, you're basically just telling the world that you only view your motorcycle from a utilitarian perspective, and you just don't care how ugly it is.

Again, don't get me wrong. I'm almost there myself. Doing the dual sport conversion has made me appreciate the utilitarian qualities of my motorcycle. It's just that, if there is a skid plate option out there that is even remotely attractive, I'd like to give it a shot before bolting what looks like a flattened cardboard box to the bottom of my motorcycle.

So, since option 2 is clearly my last resort, I have to give option 3 a shot first. Obviously, the XT600 would be the first place to look, since the engine has roughly the same dimensions as the Baggie on the bottom end, and I think the frame configuration is roughly the same. However, we have the same problem here in the U.S. with the XT600 as we do with the Baghira. Not a popular model.

So I'm thinking maybe the KLR 650 might be a better place to look. When I saw this picture, I thought there might be a possibility:


It looks like roughly the same motor/frame configuration. Since the KLR is the most ubiquitous dual sport bike in the U.S., there certainly should be no shortage of options. I might even be able to find a cheap/used one that I could try to modify first, so I don't take a risk on a new, top-of-the-line part.

Anyway, just thought I'd see if anyone had been down this road before. Anyone ever try a skid plate from a different model on their Baghira? Is anybody familiar enough with the KLR650's configuration to know a reason why this absolutely would NOT work?

Any input would be greatly appreciated, especially if that input is to point me to a great looking, high quality, aftermarket skid plate that fits the Baghira like a glove and is dirt cheap.

I'll just be here holding my breath...
2005 Black Panther

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Re: Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby MSW » Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:35 am

I love it when people respond to their own posts!

Just had to update my research. It seems the good völker at offer this (much better looking) model:


For a mere US$162.00 plus shipping from Ze Fahzaland, that little beauty could be mine.

So it looks like my most workable choices so far are:

1. Get the butt-ugly Touratech model for US$118.00 + shipping (and I wouldn't be surprised if they threw on a little "handling charge" as well, since they're just going to order it from the German operation).

2. Order the above OTR version, which will run me US$160-ish plus shipping (although I'm pretty sure there will be no hidden taxes or "handling charges" from them). It certainly shouldn't take any longer than getting the Touratech, since they're coming from the same place. Net-net, I'll be paying an additional $30-$40 to avoid the embarrassment of my bike looking like it has a chafing dish nailed to the bottom of the motor.

3. Hunt down a skid plate for another model that will run me in the $90-$100 range (might even be able to find one at my local shop to avoid shipping), but then spend a couple of days of free time trying to modify it to fit my Baggy. I'm thinking that my savings will work out to around $5 per hour of my time to make it fit. Probably not the best trade-off.

So, I'm thinking I might pull the trigger on the OTR plate. Thoughts?
2005 Black Panther

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Re: Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby pamonster » Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:05 pm

I just ordered one from Touratech 3 weeks ago. It came in 4 days........The single sheet of instructins are not needed; instructions are as such: un-do the bolts, loop over the frame, tighten the bolts.....not hard. Plus a shot of Black undercoating to the whole thing (durex i believe) and it looks F'ing badass! It has a slot so you can change your oil too. Do whatever, but the only issue i had with the Touratech one was getting a little longer bolts.
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Re: Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby MSW » Wed Nov 05, 2008 4:28 pm

Sweet! I like your idea of the undercoating. Whichever one I decide on, maybe I'll give it a shot with the spray-on truck bed liner. I've used that with good results on other bits I've added (brackets and such).

Of course, I hope you know my comments about the looks of the Touratech guard were mostly in jest. If that turns out to be the best solution for me, I'll proudly mount it to my bike without reservation (although I'm still going to paint it with the truck bed liner!).

2005 Black Panther

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Re: Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby pamonster » Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:11 pm

ooh i hear you, the bike looks so mean that adding a big cunk of metal is hard, the black sure helps it fit in better but really with something like this i'll take function over looks any day!
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Re: Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby pamonster » Thu Nov 13, 2008 11:28 am

incase anyone wanted a look. i guess what i used to cover it with was spray on truck bed liner (duplicolor truck bed coating) that I got at Orielly's for like 6 bucks. i like how it turned out
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Re: Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby handsomejackuk » Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:05 pm

like the way it looks, but won't suit my bike.

suggestions for you....

you need to get some rad grills £147 a side if they get stone damaged (small investment £15 total)

get some elbow grease on them exhausts...... :lol:

engine sandwich plate is like mine real yukky need to get new ones made form stainless steel plater(of course)

turn your hose clamps around so you can only see the shiny bits not the screw (and polish)

get stainless steel engine bolts and polish them up....(of course)

that should be enough for you for the moment let me know when you are finished i will tell you what else to do

gosh i am cheeky........ :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

I got the metallic grey Baghira, and my skid plate has been mirror polished.

further mods to come. just bought a xtx660x front mudguard, looking to fit it on weekend once I decide on colour to paint it.

Any ideas... Was thinking of trying black, or retaining the original silver as i have some other parts to touch up in body colour.
also have my old mudguard off my trx 850 to use as a lower rear section as like xtx660x. I feel as though in the winter i need a bit more protection to engine so have decided on a lower rear section.

while i am at the front end, i have plans to fit a fork brace as per mastiff. this will be integrated into the mudguard as per xtx660x.. not sure whether it will improve handling.. Any comments on this....?

speedo cable removal (not required as using sat nav, and cycle speedo) until i get my trail tech vapor. what to do with the unused holes for the speedo clamp on fork leg and the speed thing on wheel ?

Suggestions please...

maybe a file down fastening and polish / repaint of fork legs.... T.B.A.

new rad grills don't like the black. anyone after a set of black grills ? I need the white..

Bling horn, as it will be seen more, now big mudguard is gone yippeeeeeee :-D :-D

Wrapping of frame downtube with stainless steel sheet....

radical shake up of headlight / wiring as it is a pigs guts behind there really ashaming. :oops: :oops:

starter motor is now wrapped in stainless steel ( bling) polished....

sorted my sat nav charger out, now fitted under seat, usb charger with on /off switch. On off switch to be later integrated into the new dash....(future plans).

Jak (still off da drugs) Sorry Billly Billet for giving you a hard time......

we can all be friends now
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Re: Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby AtomicSpew » Fri Nov 14, 2008 1:49 am

I've had the Touratech guard on my bike for about 3 years, and I can't tell you how many times I've heard rocks bouncing off the bottom of that plate, presumably saving my engine more than once. But the big save 'ol T-Rex served up to me was when I was bunny-hopping a small water crossing on one of our rides to Clear Creek in supermoto trim. As you can imagine, "bunny-hopping" a Baggy is an oxymoron, and I came up short on my jump, my front wheel clearing the water crossing, but my rear wheel landing just short of the edge....which leaves the frame/engine case making direct impact with the edge of the water crossing, which in this case was a huge f-ing boulder. The "CLANG" was so loud when that skid plate hit the rock that the rider in front of me snapped his head around to see what it was. I got off to inspect the damage, which was merely a long scrape-like gouge in the skid plate.

So what tires are you going with for the enduro set-up? I'm doing the same thing right now--I need to send my front rim off to get re-laced (or maybe just some steel wool on the spokes, but they look to be in bad shape), and then I'm going to mount up some knobbies and take the beast to Metcalf. I've actually been thinking of stripping all the street-legal bits off the bike and just going track days/dirt riding, but I think I'd miss having it street-legal. Let me know how your progress goes on the conversion--I know we've been threatening to go riding together, so maybe a dual-sport ride this winter?
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Re: Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby pamonster » Fri Nov 14, 2008 6:33 pm

rad grills are on the top of a long list, most likely next along with gaiters or guards (not sure what I want yet) but i'm on the veterinary student budget and going about 35k in the hole every year dosent leave much for pleasure spending :(

But if Christmas goes well I may have them before next spring! lol

I agree though details really set a bike (or anything for that matter) apart! Right now i'm just happy to have her and someday I hope to have the time and money to hook it up! I do what I can though. The PO had a bunch of work done to it (Full aftermarket exhaust with carbon fiber can, carb tuning, Easton handlebars, European switchgear, ect) which was nice. Dont know that I would ever done any of that myself.

It is hard not to just whip out the old credit card and spend away though!
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Re: Skid Plate for the Baggie

Postby MSW » Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:28 pm

Wanna see how to give Alun a heart attack?

handsomejackuk wrote:like the way it looks, but won't suit my bike.

suggestions for you....

get some elbow grease on them exhausts...... :lol:

Polish headers? Why? No one would be able to tell under all that badass, Road-Warrior-looking wrap:



AtomicSpew wrote:Let me know how your progress goes on the conversion--I know we've been threatening to go riding together, so maybe a dual-sport ride this winter?

Flip, I finally mounted the dual sport kit I bought from one of the other members on the Baggy earlier this year and took her out to Death Valley this past weekend. I'll post a ride report with some pics.

I had scheduled the time off and prepped the bike otherwise, so I just went ahead and did the ride without a skid plate. I will NEVER do that again. I spent a lot of time on loose rock, and every time I heard a loud knock on the bottom of the pan, I cringed in my helmet. I will definitely pull the trigger on a plate before I take her off road again. And I'll make sure that it's at least 4mm thick like the Touratech model (in fact, it's looking like it will be the Touratech model).

As for tires, that's another decision I'm re-thinking. Before I knew I was going to do the Death Valley ride, I mounted Duro HF 903/904s to the dual sport wheels. Not a bad road tire for the ride to/from DV, and very good on dirt roads, but not the best choice in very loose stuff. Of course, the reason I bought them in the first place is still their best feature: about fifty bucks a piece. I originally figured that they'd be a good cheapie tire that would take a lot of road miles in between my first few dirt stints while I'm getting my off-road legs under me. They definitely fit the bill for that. I just didn't realize I'd be jumping into the dirt with both feet on a four day ride my first time out.

Overall, I was pleased with them, though, as long as I wasn't on anything too loose or too steep.

I'm ready to go when you are for a DS ride. We've got some great weather going right now that we should take advantage of. The only thing I don't know is a lot of good places around here to find dirt. There's Metcalf and Hollister, but they've closed Clear Creek ( :smt013 ). Let me know when you're available and we'll figure something out.
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