1. Buy the only aftermarket part that's made specifically for the Baghira and available (albeit by special order) in the U.S., which is the Touratech (http://www.touratech-usa.com/shop/show.lasso?sku=040-1264&-session=touratech:40A64D72191341B1AAPlr20CC37C). Not the worst thing in the world, as it appears to be competitively priced ($118.90 + shipping) as compared to aftermarket skid plates of similar quality for other models.
2. Fabricate your own, or in my case, have one fabricated, as I don't have one of those nifty metal bender/presses in my one-car garage. I'm not that desperate yet, though.
3. Find one that's made for another, more common model and try to fit it to the Baggie.
Obviously, the easy way is to order the Touratech part, wait 6-8 weeks for it to arrive, install it using the easy-to-read German instructions, and then each time you look at your motorcycle, hold your hand up, palm facing out, fingers pointing sideways, so you can block the bottom part of your bike from your vision, because that thing is ugly.
I know it's a very well made and durable part, and I'd certainly regret doing any serious dirt riding at all without that kind of protection, but come on. The Touratech skid plate looks like something you hit on the highway that just stuck to the bottom of your motorcycle. In fact, no offense to the Baggie Dual Sport owners who have the Touratech plate (my SM is currently undergoing a conversion to a Dual Sport itself), but when you install that sump guard, you're basically just telling the world that you only view your motorcycle from a utilitarian perspective, and you just don't care how ugly it is.
Again, don't get me wrong. I'm almost there myself. Doing the dual sport conversion has made me appreciate the utilitarian qualities of my motorcycle. It's just that, if there is a skid plate option out there that is even remotely attractive, I'd like to give it a shot before bolting what looks like a flattened cardboard box to the bottom of my motorcycle.
So, since option 2 is clearly my last resort, I have to give option 3 a shot first. Obviously, the XT600 would be the first place to look, since the engine has roughly the same dimensions as the Baggie on the bottom end, and I think the frame configuration is roughly the same. However, we have the same problem here in the U.S. with the XT600 as we do with the Baghira. Not a popular model.
So I'm thinking maybe the KLR 650 might be a better place to look. When I saw this picture, I thought there might be a possibility:

It looks like roughly the same motor/frame configuration. Since the KLR is the most ubiquitous dual sport bike in the U.S., there certainly should be no shortage of options. I might even be able to find a cheap/used one that I could try to modify first, so I don't take a risk on a new, top-of-the-line part.
Anyway, just thought I'd see if anyone had been down this road before. Anyone ever try a skid plate from a different model on their Baghira? Is anybody familiar enough with the KLR650's configuration to know a reason why this absolutely would NOT work?
Any input would be greatly appreciated, especially if that input is to point me to a great looking, high quality, aftermarket skid plate that fits the Baghira like a glove and is dirt cheap.
I'll just be here holding my breath...