one thing at a time:
Parts for the XT/XTZ engine are not going to get scarce any time in the near future - or more distant one for that matter.
You guys simply have to get the notion out of your heads that the engine has anything at all to do with MuZ; it has
nothing whatever to do with MuZ.
It is Yamaha, plain and simple, one of the most common Yamaha engines there is in fact. Since Yamaha engines are built to a sort of "Erector Set" principle, they share as many parts are as possible: the clutch is used in a whole raft of different engines; the timing chain is used in all XT/XTZ/Raptors/Grizzlys but also e.g. in the R6. Just examples. You can stick this XT600 engine in the Skorpion without the slightest problems.

A friend of mine is riding a Skorpion with that engine.
Stop trying to get parts for the thing from so-called MuZ dealers. You don't take your washing machine to the radio shop to have it fixed.
You want Yamaha parts, you go to the Yamaha dealer.
That said, when the oil looks like that, there simply
is water in it. It has become an water/oil emusion. Stop kidding yourself that there is nothing wrong. If fact, for that dimeadozen ball bearing to get like it is in the picture, there must be a
lot of water in the oil.
There is or should be no oil anywhere in the crankcase: it is a dry sump engine. But there is oil mist everywhere, inculding up there in that far corner of the case and there should be. The starter gear and the timing chain both spray a lot of oil around that side cover - as they should. Ballbearings do not need more than a bit of oil at any time. Grease is not good - or rather at best good for your peace of mind. Even in packed bearings, the grease is forced out by the cages and the balls run only on the film. All the bearings in this engine run only on a film provided by the the oil mist the various moving parts create. The only force fed bearings are the conrod big end which is a needle bearing and the plain bearings of the camshaft.
It is easy enuf to replace that standard ballbear in the the small cover and you can get it at any jobber. No need to pay a premium price at the motorcycle shop. In fact there is almost never a need to get bearings or seals from the motorcycle shop. There no special bearings in the engine anywhere and precious few in the frame. Even in the frame where special bearings are used, e.g. Strut linkage, that part is OEM Yamaha, not MuZ. Checkout 1990 FZR600 to find the entire swingarm with linkage, lock-stock-and -barrel!
Here is one online source of information:!*0;bgTpg875FKt6and another: which you have both principle manufacturers.
Here: left column is the shaft diameter (d), the next the OD (D), then the width (B) and the last at the right the number of the bearing with which to order or buy it.
As for bodging the job on the small cover, hardly possible. There is a gasket for it, included in any gasket set for the XT600/XTZ660/Raptor660 gasket set.
and of course it can be ordered individually at your friendly Yamaha dealer.
Yamaha US provides the microfiches for all maschines sold in the US: so, for instance, knowing that the aircooled XT600 is virtually identical to the XTZ660 which was not sold in the US, you select at the top;
and there in this case, you select "crankcase cover" on the left and get this page:

- Picture 2.jpg (196.75 KiB) Viewed 5728 times
there you can easily see the gasket, Nº.33, and in the scrollable list at the bottom under that reference, the part number:3TB-15455-00-00 GASKET
also telling you what it is called.
I use
Loctite 5926 for this and all other mating surfaces in the engine myself. The only gasket I routinely use that of the chain tensioner: 4X7-12213-00-00 GASKET, TENSIONER CASE
camshaft chain on that Yamaha link above and there you have it, complete with part number.
The bottom end of the XT600 is
identical to the XTZ660 but it is a 4-valve engine. For cylinder and 5 valve cylinder head, you have to select:
ATV part;
YMF 660RP Raptor

- Picture 3.jpg (229.88 KiB) Viewed 5728 times
But be aware, that the bottom end of the Raptor 660 is not the same as the XTZ and the Raptor 700 is no help at all.
Here is that swingarm mentioned above:

- Picture 4.jpg (216.47 KiB) Viewed 5724 times
Look up what you need and take them to you friendly Yamaha dealer. Don't scare him with tales of an MZ! Just tell him you need OEM Yamaha parts. The same part numbers work in Europe as well; I use this site all the time to find the part numbers to order here in Germany. Yamaha is Yamaha.
now back to the frothy engine. Don't delude yourself that there is nothing serious amiss. There must be.
For a starter, take off the left sidecover entirely and checkout what sort of residue is at the bottom of the crankcase where the oil is scavanged. When you order that small gasket, you can also order the large one:
Just for kicks, you can crosscheck with the Raptor to see if that might be the same part. It is not, but the small gasket for the starter cover is.
I hope you find that the starter freewheel is spinning freely and the crankcase doesn't have an inch deep sludge layer at the bottom.