
This is the forum for general motorcycle talk.
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Postby qcs » Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:45 am

Hey guys,

The name is Ari and I live in Israel. I am almost 42, married and have 3 kids. I am a mechanical engineer and in charge of marketing for an Israeli High-Tech startup.

I have 3 bikes: a 2004 Honda CBR1000RR, a unique 1989 Nico Baker QCS (based on a Honda 1000F engine) and the recently purchased 1994 MZ 301. I ride on the street and track, when ever I get the time.

The MZ is intended to undergo a transition to a track bike. The first steps will include working the suspension for track use, changing the sitting position (clipons and Rearsets) and getting it lighter. At a later stage I may consider some engine work, but it is not urgent at this time.

I was glad to find this forum and see how many people share an interest regarding MZ. I will surely benefit from being here. Hopefuly, as time goes by, I will be able to benefit the other members as well.


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Re: Introduction

Postby manumensa » Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:03 pm

Shalom Ari

Congratulation, you have three great motorcycles!

English rider use MZ like a cheap formula to races however the bikes need a lot of works.

Best Regards, Manuel.
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Re: Introduction

Postby iceman » Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:52 pm

lets see the before picture...John
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Re: Introduction

Postby qcs » Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:44 pm

This is the BOFORE:

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Re: Introduction

Postby iceman » Fri Feb 20, 2009 12:10 pm

Looks nice,especially for the age,i have never seen one before kind of like a little 500
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Re: Introduction

Postby qcs » Sun Feb 22, 2009 3:14 am

Yes, it is quite nice for its age. The little (almost) 300cc two stroke is a very nice little engine with plenty of torque.

The bike is pretty light, at 120+ kg dry and can easily be stripped to about 110kg dry or less. So all and all it is a great little platform to play with.

I am still struggeling with the problem I am having, but it is mainly due to the fact that I did not have too much time in the last couple of weeks to get it resolved.

I Will report progress as I go.

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