Absolutely right Dave. I drove sixty eight miles one-way last month, on a Sunday and in a howling snow-gale, to a large Hotel's "server crash" (they haven't GOT a server - only peer-to-peer
) only to find that one of the owners had read a computer magazine late the previous evening, had a brain fart, and diligently changed all the login passwords on the main system accounts. Of course, he didn't tell anyone he'd done this - and then shut down all the machines and shoved off a long weekend with his family. Result? Nobody could access any of the PCs the following morning for bookings, for menus or for issuing web access tickets.
Cue a fun session of hacking ............. which I SHOULD have been able to do the comfort of my office - but of course nobody could start up the main machine to allow me remote access.
Lovely customers. Aaaaarrrgghh! At least the invoice was healthy.