LWS66 wrote:Pretty neat deal. When I read about your trip as it was happening, another eurotrash riding buddy and I (later that evening) were drinking beers around the fire out in the backyard and commenting on how awesome it was that somewhere out there there were two "hard core motorcyclists"..... riding such a rare bike on such a long tour. When you consider the bike, the mileage, the lack of any dealer network, the possibilty of any sort of "what if?" (of course those in the know had no doubts...but still!)...and then with a young passenger to boot! Brave souls...True Motorcyclists indeed! I raise my beer and toast the both of you! Awesome

Hey LWS66,That's real nice of you to say.I just wanted to introduce adventure into Chadd's life.We rode through every weather condition you can imagine and every day was an adventure for both of us.
I had long lusted after one of these and had researched the bike for years.I have spent many nights looking at the German MZ site with Google translate and have read your post there as well.
Here is a picture of the aspiring world super bike rider.

This picture was taken last summer at this time my brother Jerry on the left Chadd and myself,September,4th will be a year since he passed away from cancer and we will have a big celebration of his life this September 4th as he would have wanted.

You're just left with yourself all the time, whatever you do anyway. You've got to get down to your own God in your own temple. It's all down to you, mate.
John Lennon