MZ ETZ 125

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MZ ETZ 125

Postby mikev » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:12 am


Looking for some help!

There is an old guy a few doors down from my other halfs father. He has an MZ ETZ125 that he would like to sell, as he hasn't ridden it for years and is a little old to now. He has no idea what it is worth, although he knows it is not worth much. I just wondered if somebody could give me an idea of what it would be worth, to ensure that when he sells it locally he does not get ripped off. You know what people are like when they spot an opportunity to exploit the older generations :(

I have little information on the bike though, and i am just confirming the age. For some reason I had 1990 and R' reg in my mind, but an R' ref would make it 1997? I will check that. But if the bike was not being manufactured still in 1997, then that would help to answer it too, but I don't know.

Any help? It's in the UK, so '£' prices if anyone does know.

Many thanks,
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Re: MZ ETZ 125

Postby manumensa » Thu Feb 26, 2009 3:31 pm

Hello Mike!

The last year factory make the MZ ETZ 125 was 1991, 1996 for the MZ 125 Sporstar model (white plastic fuel tank).

You can try sell here post for example a picture and a general decription in "For Sale" section.

Sorry, I don´t known the UK market.
Here in my zone two of the second hand ETZ 125 I bought the price for one was 5,000 pesetas (30€) and the last bike free, the owner need meters in the garage and only he wanted I was taking it far rapidly.

Best Regards,
The answer is blowin' in the wind no answer :(
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Re: MZ ETZ 125

Postby Eric Frith » Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:45 am


Did you buy the bike?

Do you still need any info.....I'm in the UK and own an ETZ125

Eric Frith
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