Remus slip on / neutral light?

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Remus slip on / neutral light?

Postby scott964 » Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:29 pm

More questions, and hopefully no one is sick of me asking so often.... but again, just coming up to speed on this bike.
When the bike is cold, I have no neutral light (42 degree F), above this, when off the neutral light is fine.... once started the neutral light will come on, but it flashes, and not with any predictable sequence, just flashes on and off, sometimes fast, sometimes slower. Turn off the bike.. light is solid. Always goes into neutral and unlike my Ducati that had a neutral light issue, it does not shut down the bike... the Duc had a dirty lockout switch ground issue, and it would go into neutral, but shut off the min you released the clutch in neutral... I was wondering if this could be a similar issue, just a dirty connection or something else.

I also have a set of Remus Revolution slip on's on the bike... nice sound, but a bit quiet compared to my Duc or T-Bird Sport... but the pipes do have removable baffles.... does anyone out there run a set of these pipes without the baffles? What do you think of them without baffles? Better in or out?
Is there any gains other than noise, and does anything need to be changed for mapping to not loose power?
Before I start experimenting, I thought it best to ask.... again new to the bike and I might be missing something through ignorance. The Yamaha VMax for example, if you slap on a slip on, which removes the rear cross over... you get a lot of noise, but actually loose power overall ... a full system and you get more noise but also get more power, which is a worthwhile trade.

If i could get it to breath a bit easier without the baffles, and let a bit of the roar out as well.... all while getting a bit more power... that would be ideal. If I'm sacrificing some power for just noise, it's not worth it.

All input/thoughts/recomendations appreciated!!
Thank you!!
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Re: Remus slip on / neutral light?

Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sun Oct 18, 2009 7:42 pm

reference diode number 31 on the rt125 wire drawings it is between the sidestand circuit and the neutral switch
and has to do with the bike dieing if you put it in gear with the stand down
1000s may have something similar

if that diode is going bad may do all kinds of strange stuff
and on the rt125 its on common wires with the neutral lamp

also bad ground return possible

rt125 wiring drawing as a tiff file is available on request
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
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Re: Remus slip on / neutral light?

Postby iceman » Sun Oct 18, 2009 8:03 pm

Scott on my Aprilia Falco I have renagade high mount pipes and the guy I got it from had Issues with his neighbors so had to order screw in baffles on the end of the cans.
When I picked up the bike he said they come right out but I felt plenty of power and forgot about it for a month.

Then when I was up in the mountains at a stop I noticed one was almost out.So I unscrewed it and stuck it under the seat hump and rode home with just the one in.
The next day I pulled the other out and noticed a definite breathing ability,almost a different motor and the sound was so sweet they never went back in...

I think a lot of bikes these last 5 years or so run rich from the factory for a number of reasons,some much too rich until you de- restrict them and let the motor suck in more air.They have to beat the EpA noise restrictions and intake noise can fail the bike from importation.I found that to be true on my two Aprilias and the Honda 919.Last week after 3,000 miles I plugged a vacuum hose on that bike all of 5 min.when out on a ride and I shoved a little stick in the vacuum hose ,
All I can say is I wish I did it 3,000 miles ago in the spring when I got it.Now it seems like a liter bike and before that I was thinking of selling it.
It was a very big improvement..I'm a slow learner but I appreciate the changes when they occur. :D
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Re: Remus slip on / neutral light?

Postby GED » Mon Oct 19, 2009 1:54 pm

i have miron race pies with no baffles and there loud wouldnt have it any over way ,there seems to be a slight improvment in performance ,this may be due to the fact there 80kg :wink: lighter than stock mufflers,ive had no issues with running other than it doesnt tick over rock steady as b4 it rises and drops by about 250 rpm,

mines a sf which has a different map than the st and s,dont quote me but im sure that the st and s run lean on top end,
may also of interest that mz offer a free downloadable map i think it was 138 bhp ,but check through previous posts ,it was available on there web site,
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Re: Remus slip on / neutral light?

Postby m4panther » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:52 pm

I have the Sebring slip-ons I drilled the rivets out after the second week. huge difference. other wise the pipes are severely restricted I think I posted a pic on here some place......


under the "post your ride" thread 4th page

I can go 80 to 120 in like 2.2 seconds it's friggin ridicules

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