Despite having worn out a few set of BT 45s, I can't seem to find a picture of the Skorpion with them, at least not one where you could see the tires.
Here is that same bike with a BT090 in 140/70 on the same rim:

- 140/70 on 4" Brembo wheel
and this is what the contour of a 160 should be:
165/55 Bridgestone on a 5" Marvic mag wheel (my racer)
I mounted a 160/50 once - once to often - on my Tour way back when I didn't know better:
Here as you can see with the shitty Grimeca wheels (must be about 7-8 years ago) and you ca see how rediculously pinched that Bridgestone is. No fun to ride, either and it forced me to add a steering damper to help against the excessive kickback. By comparison my racer never need a damper at all.
Skprions don't need dampers if the tires are right.
I can only keep repeating, that 150 tire are already too big for a 4" rim; a bad joke! That is not my opinion, that is what the tire makers say and they are right.
Stick a 140/70 BT45 on the bike! Save money and stress and increase your own safety.