Well, its still not running
Got a good spark and a charged battery, but still seems to be no fuel.
Took the carbs off AGAIN (loosing another two knuckles!) and stripped them down AGAIN
The float bowl was pretty much empty (Its difficult to tell as some fuel spilt out when I took them off).
I know fuel was flowing from the tank, so I'm thinking maybe the small valve that the float presses up on to cut off the fuel flow was stuck up, or maybe the float itself was stuck up, so no fuel was getting in.
Had all the jets out of both carbs and blasted them through with carb cleaner and all was/are clear.
Got to re-assemble now and see what happens.....!!
BTW I need a new rubber gasket for between the carb and the float bowl. Rang Yamaha and they can do one (for the SZR/XTZ) for £7.50UK.
Anyone know where I can get one cheaper??