Newbie - Buying a Skorpion

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Newbie - Buying a Skorpion

Postby Ally » Sun Dec 05, 2010 8:58 am

Hey All

I'm new to the forum - hello - and am looking to purchase a '96 Skorpion showing 42k miles, 12 (!) previous owners and MOT until June of next year.

Unfortunately due to it's location it will purchased unseen so would like to know of any items/problems I should make specific enquiries about.

The only item missing that I can see if the clock.

Are there any riders near Lincolnshire area.....?


Ally :)
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Re: Newbie - Buying a Skorpion

Postby Norman Wade » Sun Dec 05, 2010 11:41 am

Don't worry about the clock - they were very poor quality and most of them have long since failed.
I started a 'New Skorpion Owner's Guide' thread on the 'Singular Pleasure' forum here: This covers most of the things you'll need to know.
Main things to look for are: Check condition of swing arm. These are very poorly painted and rust badly, especially if ridden on the UK's salted roads.
Check the suspension bearings have been greased recently. The spherical bearing at the shock lower mount is prone to seizing and this can flex the shock causing the damper rod to snap! :shock:
Check condition of rubber hoses as they are prone to cracking. Worst is the radiator cap to expansion tank hose, but it's unlikely that the original hose has lasted 14 years and will have been replaced by now.
As most of the members of 'Singular Pleasure' are in the UK, it might be worth asking there if anyone is near enough to take a look.
Hope you enjoy owning a Skorpion as they are great fun (but I would say that, wouldn't I! :lol: )

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Re: Newbie - Buying a Skorpion

Postby Ally » Mon Dec 06, 2010 3:04 pm

thanks norman

I have joined the site.....

the bike will be purchased site unseen so have offered a low price punt to offset any future dramas so will keep you informed

one is on the shopping list as my son turning 18 has purchased an srx400 and need something to show him up on!!

thanks again

ally :)
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